Ask a Question crop logo

How do I crop a logo image?
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14 April 2021

Started 04 April 2021 by silascumlaude

Wishlist уроки как устанавливать и редактировать woo comerce

Добрый день! Добавьте побольше видео-уроков, как устанавливать и редактировать woo comerce.
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05 April 2021

Started 04 April 2021 by hippvik3

Ask a Question Picture Framing Visualization

Do you know of anyone with a simple picture frame visualization plugin for Nicepage or Wordpress? I used to have a website which did exactly what I'm looking for but I did not hold onto the code....
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05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by nathan1562

Ask a Question My account

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Latest By wpexpertinbd

05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by jorgeodin2

Ask a Question connect my domain

Hello Dear There, Hope this message finds you well. Actually I want to connect my domain name that I got it in to the website that I have created it in nicepage and tried to do that in...
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05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by erfan7878

Ask a Question Are JPEG 2000 supported as picture format?

It looks like JPEG 2000 is not supported as picture format. When I try to upload a picture with this format I get a message of "Only images are allowed". Any plan to support this format soon?
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05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by inarax71

Ask a Question Error message when installing on localhost WP

I have installed Nicepage on my Windows PC in a Wordpress local host and get the following error message: Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in...
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05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by info373022

Ask a Question Connection woocommerce

Hello, If i build an nicepage website, i can use product list and single product layout. But the products are comming from woocommerce products? So if i add product in woocommerce it will be shown...
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07 May 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by info1665

Ask a Question Failed - Unable to send your message - contact form

I have setup send email with php script as mentioned on help but still gives failed message. I am hosting email on godaddy microsoft 365.
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05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by amathias7399

Ask a Question импорт сайта

Добрый день. Экспортировал сайт в html в десктоп версии, поменял компьютер и теперь не могу его импортировать для последующего редактирования. Можете как-то помочь?
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02 June 2022

Started 05 April 2021 by forzaandrew2

Ask a Question Как разместить сайт в интернете ?

я не нашел как разместить сайт, прошу помощи.
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05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by azatzagrutdinov

Ask a Question shortcode

Hello, i was trying to add and plugin so clients can immideatly order from the product list. Is there an possibility to add an shortcode to an product so people can order from the list if they do...
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25 March 2022

Started 05 April 2021 by info1665

Ask a Question Domanda sui costruttori scaricati su pc

Ciao, volevo chiedervi se il costruttore di siti, una volta scaricato posso utilizzarlo gratis per creare infiniti siti e modelli e caricarli sui mie domini già attivi. Mi occupo da poco di modellare...
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07 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by startupm3.5

Ask a Question Upgrade from Artistreer

Is it possible import project from artisteer v4.0, cose I have full licence for this product
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05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by tdoric

Wishlist Add image to a table.

I cannot add an image to a table. cell. I can add only an icon. If I add an image as an icon, I cannot center the image on the table cell. I need the possibility to center images in table cells. I...
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06 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by patrick.rodrigues