Ask a Question My Home Page Disappears Completely in Wordpress but everything is perfect

Hello! Everything on my website on Wordpress is fine, except my Home Page. All my other pages from the layout, to the color, to the font are all perfect and correct, but originally my Home page...
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2021

Started 26 January 2021 by toryreneespring

Ask a Question A new email PHP problem

Hmmm. Short and simple. - Using Nicepage form on an html website hosted with GoDaddy. - Chose "Send Email with PHP Script" option. - Put my email address in both fields "where to send submissions"...
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Latest By Support Team

11 February 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by lawson

Ask a Question Upgraded to Business Plan

Hi just upgraded to Business Plan from the free version. How do I update my plug-in? I mean, where is my Business Plan version? Are you going to be sending me the .zip file? Or is this done...
13 Replies
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Latest By tac1combat

05 February 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by tac1combat

Ask a Question how to access trecycle bin

please help me how i can access recycle bin
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by shikharana5009

Ask a Question Background not fixed on tablet

I am working on a site where the background image is fixed and the text scrolls over this. Using the different screen sizes in Nicepage everything responds and works exactly as I want it. When I view...
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by michaelgwebb

Ask a Question Is there a discount on subscription renewals?

I would like to know if there are discounts on renewals of subscriptions to Nicepage plans? It is important to know if we have advantages to continue renewing with you.
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by medradoconsultoria

Ask a Question header and footer

On joomla site, after online change in header and footer. The new footer and header appears on the old pages. The old footer and header tab is loaded on new pages. The same with pages generated from...
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Latest By Support Team

28 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by optiGRAF

Ask a Question how to open popup modal with my menu header

I've a popup modal. I can open this with clicking on a button. But can I also open it by clicking on a menu button in the header? Because it doesn't looks like this works. greetings Maarten
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4 Votes

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02 February 2022

Started 27 January 2021 by philippe.bellot

Ask a Question blog page number grayed out on wordpress

Hello, I am not able to integrate the page numbering of the blog posts into the blog template. Attached you will find the screenshot. What am I doing wrong here? thank you! Regards, Hannes
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28 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by stonee46

Ask a Question Unable to install Wordpress plug

Hey, I get this fatal error message when activating the WP plugin. What should I do?
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28 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by tellimaria

Wishlist o`z shaxsiy domenimni ulash maqsadida

Men oz domenimni ulamoqchiman shu masala boyicha amaliy yordam berishingizni so`rayman. Mening domenim " "
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Latest By Support Team

28 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by said.naimov.98

Ask a Question Form PHP Submit

Hi. I'm looking for some help with submitting the contact form. I have a couple of forms on my site. I have selected 'Send email with PHP script' and completed the emails fields. I have uploaded the...
2 Replies
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Latest By OliverDrotA

27 July 2023

Started 27 January 2021 by Gangledore

Ask a Question HTML Element

Hi, I have a database generated table with table rows and table data filled with text. I then add the HTML code into a HTML Element. Now instead of simply leave my HTML code as it is, Nicepage takes...
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Latest By Support Team

28 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by makauro2

Ask a Question Page name

In the address bar when navigating to other pages I'm getting "stacked" numbers. Ex: introduction-2...-3 and so on. I checked my menus list within the admin page and dont have multiple, just the...
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Latest By Support Team

28 January 2021

Started 27 January 2021 by sambo

Ask a Question Image order in the slider

How can I change the order of the images in the slider or insert images in between so that the thumbs are also in the correct order?
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Latest By Support Team

03 February 2021

Started 28 January 2021 by Schmitt-Foto