Ask a Question Integration for October CMS

Hello! I am going to start a web developer company, mainly develop in October CMS and I tried out Nicepage for the design. Thought I could just copy over html pages and link to nicepage.css and...
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Latest By Support Team

02 September 2020

Started 02 September 2020 by klas.wirholm

Ask a Question No Export Icon with v2.24.1

I try to export my WordPress Theme/ Site. But there is no Icon for exporting, like shown in the toturial video. I am working with the business licene. What can I do?
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Latest By Support Team

03 September 2020

Started 02 September 2020 by sebastian.sittig

Ask a Question Doubt

on how many computers can I install 1 premium license?
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Latest By luisfelipeboommkt

03 September 2020

Started 02 September 2020 by luisfelipeboommkt

Ask a Question what is the .json file for?

what is the .json file for? and can I use it in angular?
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Latest By Support Team

15 July 2021

Started 02 September 2020 by christa112

Ask a Question Block Navigation

Have you any idea why my block navigation only works on the menu in the home page. when I am in the home page the block navigation works perfectly, but when I navigate away to another page and try to...
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Latest By jon502

02 September 2020

Started 02 September 2020 by jon502

Ask a Question Content editors

In App Pack, Online Builder and Hosting Under "Content editors" (Give clients or content editors a special login into the Editor) it says 3 (in roadmap). Does this mean this feature is not available...
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Latest By Support Team

21 March 2023

Started 02 September 2020 by teddy202

Ask a Question Different background for mobile possible?

Hello, what is the best way to create a background that should only be visible in the mobile version of the website? Because any changes to the background (whether for the theme or a block) will...
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Latest By Support Team

04 September 2020

Started 02 September 2020 by Steffen1988

Ask a Question change url

I have a hosting package with Nicepage and want the instead of How ?
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02 September 2020

Started 02 September 2020 by rikhe

Ask a Question question

how do i use a domain I have already purchased. Also is there a charge to use nice page?
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03 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by michaeldavid1133

Ask a Question how to allow my staff to use licenses of my ultimate version

Dear Sir/Madam, I have the ultimate version of the designer pack. I have added my staff's email on my licenses page but how to let my staff access that license so she can work on her own computer?
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Latest By Support Team

03 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by accyang

Report a bug Module page visibility

a nicepage template. with some joomla named positions in joomla I have a module that shows in the defined position. page visibility: On all pages. we do some nicepage source update, we export joomla...
4 Replies
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Latest By nerviroberto

28 February 2021

Started 03 September 2020 by nerviroberto

Ask a Question Another Menu Issue

Hello, again. The 15th-page title in my menu doesn't appear in the list when I enter my site 'Being Catholic' through my URL When I click the menu hamburger bar the page dims and the...
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Latest By Support Team

04 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by unclealex2k

Ask a Question Enquires for exporting to Wordpress

Hi, I tried to export a template from nice pages to wordpress but when I activate it, it comes out as a completely different appearance.
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Latest By Support Team

04 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by stephaniehcchu4898

Ask a Question PLEASE PLEASE Creating saved work - checkpoints

Hi Nicepage, Recently I have started to encounter quite a number of issues with the recent updates. It would be nice to have an option for checkpoints where we can load a previous saved projects on...
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Latest By Support Team

04 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by MrBuilder

Ask a Question Menu setting

In my menu I have first and second level items. Currently to see the second level I have to click on the first level. Is it possible to make sure that all the items, first and second level, are...
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Latest By Support Team

04 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by a.torriero