Ask a Question What are these?

Hi there! I've been getting a lot of these emails. What are these? I haven't opened them as it could be a bug or whatever. Do you know anything about it? Thanks for your help.
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2024

Started 21 February 2024 by E.Stella

Ask a Question Find and Replace

What is the easiest way to perform a 'find and replace' operation? I have a link that repeats on multiple pages that I need to replace.
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By JRC

21 February 2024

Started 14 September 2020 by teddy202

Ask a Question Does Nicepage have a find and replace option?

Is there a Find and Replace option for text/content?
2 Replies
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Latest By JRC

21 February 2024

Started 19 February 2021 by karen.b3

Ask a Question Two Searches

Dear Friends I read some posts from 2020 . . . I think the following is needed: 1) A FIND/REPLACE function when developing websites. This is critical as we always need to search for text AND to...
8 Replies
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Latest By JRC

21 February 2024

Started 06 February 2024 by akramnajjar

Wishlist Desperately need a "find and replace" feature for text in Nicepage

Can you add a "find and replace" feature to Nicepage as soon as possible. This is an essential feature when proofreading text prior to publication. and is usually included in most web design programs....
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By JRC

21 February 2024

Started 24 June 2023 by LenWilliams

Wishlist Find and replace

Please, ad function "Find and replace" for content. Thanks
2 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By JRC

21 February 2024

Started 02 March 2021 by regczm

Ask a Question Nicepage REALLY needs a "Find and replace" function

I've asked for this Find and Replace function before, but it's still nowhere to be found in Nicepage. Today a client asked me to update a trademark in text throughout the site. Without Find and...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By JRC

21 February 2024

Started 18 February 2024 by LenWilliams

Ask a Question Auftragsdatenverarbeitung

Hello, since I am using the contact form, the IP of the sender is transmitted to An AV contract must therefore be concluded. If I understand correctly, the data is located in...
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2024

Started 21 February 2024 by info68

Ask a Question Asking for help

Hello,i need a help. My problem is that i want my desgint to be in a4-format is there any chance that i can format the page size(s) to A4 format? Sorry for band language. ty
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2024

Started 21 February 2024 by bartosnorbi

Ask a Question Joomla Page Builder

How on earth do I download Joomla Page builder. I would like to start with the free "starter" but there is no way to download it. "personal" has a BUY NOW so that is obvious And for Joomla 5 Claes
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2024

Started 17 February 2024 by claes202

Ask a Question integrate google captcha to website

I want to purchase the license for 1year for the website. but I want to make sure i want to integrate the google captcha in the contact form will that work after adding keys to captcha. is there...
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2024

Started 21 February 2024 by rocketjunkies

Ask a Question Making my web page

How can I work on making my web on my PC when at home and Laptop when away? I wish to keep the changes that I have done on my PC at home, yet be able to continue editing on my laptop when I’m away...
7 Replies
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Latest By pcg.fowler2

21 February 2024

Started 18 February 2024 by pcg.fowler2

Ask a Question password

I logged in through facebook and purchased the Business premium license. Nevertheless I am a company owner and I need my head of IT to use this license... but I do NOT know the password since I never...
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2024

Started 20 February 2024 by jorge1062

Ask a Question Create WooCommerce Template?

Hello Nicepage, I'm experimenting with WooCommerce and Nicepage to see how well Nicepage can handle an eCommerce site. Can Nicpeage create templates for WooCommerce shop, product, and checkout pages?...
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2024

Started 20 February 2024 by shane53

Report a bug Custom Domain

We have added DNS records to our registrar's environment, but the Domain is still not reflecting correctly in your system I need assistance ASAP as this is taking more than a week with no...
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2024

Started 21 February 2024 by will.sancheze