Como redimensionar o plano de fundo da imagem em uma página da web

O Redimensionamento do plano de fundo torna óbvio ao passar o mouse sobre o plano de fundo da imagem do grupo ou as imagens da galeria. Para usar o Efeito Redimensionar, adicione ou selecione uma Galeria de Imagens ou um Grupo. Vá para o painel de propriedades, clique no link Image Hover. Selecione a predefinição de redimensionamento e modifique-a, se necessário.

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How To Resize The Background Images Using Hover Animations

Webpage animations create a unique atmosphere that sets the mood and message of the whole site. Many new developers try to learn CSS property settings to make creative course CSS animations because certain CSS animations benefit hardware. Yet, in a long-term perspective, it may not have the effect you desire. If you require to form a responsive web page using the color picker, zoom effect templates, or child element that correlates with the parent element, use our site builder. Similar to javascript examples, jquery examples, or CSS examples of the child element and parent element interaction, our builder forms a standard site eco-system.

It can be customized any way you want to fit the newest media queries. Especially when we speak about animating background images that match the modern site trends, if you're going to add background image zoom on hover animations, but with a different approach, check the resize hover over the images animations. Although similar to the background image zoom effects, the resize animation using transform scale enlarges background images making them easier to view. To apply the resize effect, decide what background image should be animated. Then go to the options panel on the right, go to the animations section and pick on hover.

Then click on the hover checkbox and select resize. You can also customize the transform scale and duration of the resizing using simple slider bars. You can always see the effect is used and compare it with an example in our presets. Add hover transform property and compare it with popular media queries represented on other sites to understand how to improve and transform image element hover into a more effective part of the site. Explore any display element example in our presets to find new ideas.