What's New In This Update?
- Date Field Type for Contact Form
- Table Feature Improvements
- Table Presets
- Table in Responsive Modes
- Bulleted List with Icons
- Login / Logout for WordPress and Joomla
- Fixed Issues
- University Tutorials
- Block and Page Designs
Table Block Category and Blocks
We have added the New Table Element. Therefore we are adding the new Table Category and the Block Presets for the Table.
Active Cell, Row and Column Properties
We have added new properties in the Table, allowing you to stylize the Table Data.
Table Vertical Align
Table Data usually require Vertical Alignment. We have supported this feature.
Alternating Row Color
Alternating Rows in Tables is popular. We have added this type of styling as well.
First Column Style
Many Table designs require the styling of the first column. Therefore we have implemented this feature.
Switching Table Cells
You can switch between the Table Cells pressing the Tab and Shift+Tab Keys.
Moving Table Rows
You can move Table Rows Up and Down using the Move Up and Move Down Commands in the Context Menu of the Row.
Horizontal Scrolling in Responsive Modes
We have added the Horizontal Scrolling for the Table in the Responsive Modes. It allows seeing the Table Data if it extends the Cell beyond the Sheet Width.
Pause on Hover for Slider
We have added the new "Pause on Hover" property for the Slider. Now the Pause is always enabled on hover since the users asked to allow using the auto-sliding feature.
Login / Logout Element
We have added the Login / Logout Element for use in the WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension.
Date Field Type for Contact Form
We have added the new Date Type for the Form Fields.
Bulleted List with Icons
Now you can use a custom icon for styling the List items.
Icon LIst Presets
We have also added the presets for Icon List.
Add List Search Improvements
Now you can search by synonyms. In the Search Results, you can see the synonyms near the Title.
Also, it is possible to start searching for any part of the phrasing.
Now, when you start typing on the selected Text, you will edit this Text.
Shortcuts With Alt
We have changed the insertion of the Elements by the shortcuts for the Alt + Letter combination since there were a lot of misclicks.
Work In Process
We are also continuing to improve the List Repeater control, allowing you to create custom layouts like below.
We are also working on resuming the Blog Posts Element. We are thankful for your feedback and support, which help and inspire us.
Style Copy / Paste
We are also resuming the "Style Copy / Paste" feature.
Nicepage University
Since Position and Widgets Areas are very popular support topics, we have gathered all the links to those Tutorials in one place, adding them to the Add List.
Position Video Tutorials
We have added the new videos about using the Joomla Positions for the Nicepage University.
In Joomla, you can place and use modules in four different ways.
- Position in Header and Footer with App
- Position in Blog and Post Sidebar with App
- Position in Content with Extension
- Custom Position in Content with Extension and Joomla
We do appreciate your feedback and comments about how we can improve the University Video Tutorials.
Fixed Issues
- We have fixed the problem with the Custom Fields in the Online Edition
- While enabling the Hover Animation, the Change Image button disappeared.
- While enabling the Hover Animation and duplicating the Cell, the Text became out of contrast.
- Duration for the Lift Up Animation in Cells.
- Lang Attribute Deletion in WordPress, resulting in the incorrect display of certain symbols.
- Crash while deleting the last column in the Table.
Block Designs
We have added about 150 new block designs since the last update.
Page Designs
We have added new page templates with this update.
## What's New In This Update?
- Date Field Type for Contact Form
- Table Feature Improvements
- Table Presets
- Table in Responsive Modes
- Bulleted List with Icons
- Login / Logout for WordPress and Joomla
- Fixed Issues
- University Tutorials
- Block and Page Designs
## [Table Improvements (Beta)](page:97196)
### Table Block Category and Blocks
We have added the New [Table](page:97196) Element. Therefore we are adding the new Table Category and the Block Presets for the Table.
### Active Cell, Row and Column Properties
We have added new properties in the Table, allowing you to stylize the Table Data.
### Table Vertical Align
Table Data usually require Vertical Alignment. We have supported this feature.
### Alternating Row Color
Alternating Rows in Tables is popular. We have added this type of styling as well.
### First Column Style
Many Table designs require the styling of the first column. Therefore we have implemented this feature.
### Switching Table Cells
You can switch between the [Table](page:97196) Cells pressing the Tab and Shift+Tab Keys.
### Moving Table Rows
You can move Table Rows Up and Down using the Move Up and Move Down Commands in the Context Menu of the Row.
### Horizontal Scrolling in Responsive Modes
We have added the Horizontal Scrolling for the Table in the Responsive Modes. It allows seeing the Table Data if it extends the Cell beyond the Sheet Width.
### Pause on Hover for Slider
We have added the new "Pause on Hover" property for the Slider. Now the Pause is always enabled on hover since the users asked to allow using the auto-sliding feature.
### Login / Logout Element
We have added the Login / Logout Element for use in the WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension.
### Date Field Type for Contact Form
We have added the new Date Type for the Form Fields.
### Bulleted List with Icons
Now you can use a custom icon for styling the List items.
#### Icon LIst Presets
We have also added the presets for Icon List.
### Add List Search Improvements
Now you can search by synonyms. In the Search Results, you can see the synonyms near the Title.
Also, it is possible to start searching for any part of the phrasing.
Now, when you start typing on the selected Text, you will edit this Text.
#### Shortcuts With Alt
We have changed the insertion of the Elements by the shortcuts for the Alt + Letter combination since there were a lot of misclicks.
## Work In Process
### [List Repeater](page:83204)
We are also continuing to improve the [List Repeater](page:83204) control, allowing you to create custom layouts like below.
### [Blog Posts](page:83207) Element
We are also working on resuming the [Blog Posts](page:83207) Element. We are thankful for your feedback and support, which help and inspire us.
### Style Copy / Paste
We are also resuming the "Style Copy / Paste" feature.
## Nicepage University
## How to Use Positions and Widget Areas
Since Position and Widgets Areas are very popular support topics, we have gathered all the links to those Tutorials in one place, adding them to the Add List.
### Position Video Tutorials
We have added the new videos about using the Joomla Positions for the Nicepage University.
In Joomla, you can place and use modules in four different ways.
1. [Position in Header and Footer with App](page:77605)
2. [Position in Blog and Post Sidebar with App](page:76349)
3. [Position in Content with Extension](page:76324)
4. [Custom Position in Content with Extension and Joomla](page:76096)
We do appreciate your feedback and comments about how we can improve the University Video Tutorials.
#### 1. [Position in Header and Footer with App](page:77605)
<div class="video-container"><iframe width="740" height="418" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cblbxAjPcH4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
#### 2. [Position in Blog and Post Sidebar with App](page:76349)
<div class="video-container"><iframe width="740" height="418" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/-8ZGfq0tFvs?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
#### 3. [Position in Content with Extension](page:76324)
<div class="video-container"><iframe width="740" height="418" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/l-BKOTkcspE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
#### 4. [Custom Position in Content with Extension and Joomla](page:76096)
<div class="video-container"><iframe width="740" height="418" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wXPrjmkpg48?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
## Fixed Issues
- We have fixed the problem with the Custom Fields in the Online Edition
- While enabling the Hover Animation, the Change Image button disappeared.
- While enabling the Hover Animation and duplicating the Cell, the Text became out of contrast.
- Duration for the Lift Up Animation in Cells.
- Lang Attribute Deletion in WordPress, resulting in the incorrect display of certain symbols.
- Crash while deleting the last column in the Table.
## Block Designs
We have added about [150 new block designs](https://nicepage.com/html-templates?sorter=Newest&search.isblock=true&blocks=true) since the last update.
## Page Designs
We have added [new page templates](https://nicepage.com/html-templates?sorter=Newest&search.isblock=true&pages=true) with this update.