Index inside each folder

2 Posts
oshout posted this 05 June 2024
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I'd like to add an index page inside of each folder -

so that when a visitor browses to - they receive a web-page in response.

I found some discussions in the nicepage forum, but they're 1 and 3 years old and say it's on the to-do list.

I have the following solutions in case it's not possible, but I haven't tested them:

  1. Cloudflare forwarding rules - so that when a directory is specified, the visitor is forwarded automatically and transparently to a specific page - eg - cloudflare would forward to

  2. Export from nicepage to HTML and manually create the index.html page within each folder, making links where necessary.

  3. use htaccess rules to specify the directory index for each folder.
    3-b. use server block configuration to set the default file for each folder.

  4. use PHP to read the folder / url and redirect the user to the appropriate page.

It would be really cool if folders in nicepage could have an associated index.html or landing page so the URL path made consistent and logical sense!

Thank you for any advice and your consideration!

Hello, I'd like to add an index page inside of each folder - so that when a visitor browses to - they receive a web-page in response. I found some discussions in the nicepage forum, but they're 1 and 3 years old and say it's on the to-do list. I have the following solutions in case it's not possible, but I haven't tested them: 1. Cloudflare forwarding rules - so that when a directory is specified, the visitor is forwarded automatically and transparently to a specific page - eg - cloudflare would forward to 2. Export from nicepage to HTML and manually create the index.html page within each folder, making links where necessary. 3. use htaccess rules to specify the directory index for each folder. 3-b. use server block configuration to set the default file for each folder. 4. use PHP to read the folder / url and redirect the user to the appropriate page. It would be really cool if folders in nicepage could have an associated index.html or landing page so the URL path made consistent and logical sense! Thank you for any advice and your consideration!
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 June 2024

Hi Oliver,

We do not have such option to select the default age within a folder and I hope that your solution with the redirect settings will work for you.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Oliver, We do not have such option to select the default age within a folder and I hope that your solution with the redirect settings will work for you. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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