Lower nicepage exported file

6 Posts
aoneplus01z posted this 30 March 2024
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I have a very important question how to lower nicepage final exported file for wordpress I recently built a one small page to our website here at the link of it
and it came out to be 17 megabyte which is huge for a page so provide me with some of information help to lower it, thank you very much <3

I have a very important question how to lower nicepage final exported file for wordpress I recently built a one small page to our website here at the link of it ahmed-hamdy.online and it came out to be 17 megabyte which is huge for a page so provide me with some of information help to lower it, thank you very much &lt;3
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 April 2024

Hello Ahmed,

Thanks for reaching out to us

It depends on the content that you have inside your exported file.

Furthermore, we do not decrease the exported file. In fact, you can increase the file upload values for your WordPress website.
Check the following ticket below
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Ahmed, Thanks for reaching out to us It depends on the content that you have inside your exported file. Furthermore, we do not decrease the exported file. In fact, you can increase the file upload values for your WordPress website. Check the following ticket below https://nicepage.com/questions/493896/importing-a-project ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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