Sicheres Kontaktformular

2 Posts
MH77 posted this 12 January 2024
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Hallo, wie erstelle ich ein Kontaktformular mit sicherer Übertragung? und Captcha- Anti-Spam-Funktion? in Nicepage? oder gibt es die OPtion einen externen Anbieter einzubinden zB mit PHP oder iframe?

Hallo, wie erstelle ich ein Kontaktformular mit sicherer Übertragung? und Captcha- Anti-Spam-Funktion? in Nicepage? oder gibt es die OPtion einen externen Anbieter einzubinden zB mit PHP oder iframe?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 January 2024

Hello Martina,

The Nicepage Form control uses Google reCAPTCHA v3. Please check more here -
In case you do not want to use Recaptch, sure you can use the PHP mail function but only for sites exported to third-party hosting. Nicepage hosting do not provide this submit option, and this option requires the server where you upload the websites, to be configured to send emails with the PHP sendmail function.

Let us know in case you have any other questions.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Martina, The Nicepage Form control uses Google reCAPTCHA v3. Please check more here - In case you do not want to use Recaptch, sure you can use the PHP mail function but only for sites exported to third-party hosting. Nicepage hosting do not provide this submit option, and this option requires the server where you upload the websites, to be configured to send emails with the PHP sendmail function. Let us know in case you have any other questions. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 12 January 2024 by Support Team

400 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 12 January 2024

Du solltest die Funktion vom Nicepage Hosting verwenden. Der Server ist in Deutschland, also innerhalb der EU. Daher musst du dir keine Sorgen um den Datenschutz machen, falls du deswegen nachfragst.

Du solltest die Funktion vom Nicepage Hosting verwenden. Der Server ist in Deutschland, also innerhalb der EU. Daher musst du dir keine Sorgen um den Datenschutz machen, falls du deswegen nachfragst.
2 Posts
MH77 posted this 15 January 2024

Vielen Dank für den Tipp!
Kann man beim Nicepage Hosting auch über SFTP ein PHP SKripr Formmailer hochladen?

Vielen Dank für den Tipp! Kann man beim Nicepage Hosting auch über SFTP ein PHP SKripr Formmailer hochladen?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 15 January 2024

Hello Martina,

Google Recaptcha is not compliant with GDRP. If you do not want to use it, you may use alternatives. For more, please visit

Please note that the alternatives are not yet implemented into the Nicepage Contact Form Element, and you will have to add custom code or use the third-party form code with the HTML Element.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Martina, Google Recaptcha is not compliant with GDRP. If you do not want to use it, you may use alternatives. For more, please visit Please note that the alternatives are not yet implemented into the Nicepage Contact Form Element, and you will have to add custom code or use the third-party form code with the HTML Element. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
Support Team
Support Team posted this 15 January 2024

Hello Martina,

No, Nicepage hosting does not support the PHP sending option. You will need to upload your site exported to HTML to hosting providers that already have PHP configured correctly.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Martina, No, Nicepage hosting does not support the PHP sending option. You will need to upload your site exported to HTML to hosting providers that already have PHP configured correctly. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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