Can the first language not be English?

10 Posts
mark1651651651658 posted this 15 December 2023
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In a multilingual page as per
the added languages are fully configurable.

I made my site in [not English] and while I can add other languages, I cannot configure it to understand the original language is not English, and I want to add English.

Is there a configuration setting I am not seeing, or do I have to rebuild it in English first, and then add the other languages?

In a multilingual page as per the added languages are fully configurable. I made my site in [not English] and while I can add other languages, I cannot configure it to understand the original language is not English, and I want to **add** English. Is there a configuration setting I am not seeing, or do I have to rebuild it in English first, and then add the other languages?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 15 December 2023

Hello Brad,
Thanks for choosing Nicepage!

You can easily change the default site language in the following way: Site Settings ==> SEO ==> Language.

enter image description here

Please let us know if any additional assistance is needed.

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Brad, Thanks for choosing Nicepage! You can easily change the default site language in the following way: Site Settings ==> SEO ==> Language. ![enter image description here][1] Please let us know if any additional assistance is needed. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
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