The pop-up button does not work

37 Posts
datacenter posted this 12 June 2022
Report a bug

Good evening,
Thank you for your reply.

The popup button does not work, as seen in the video.

Please help me to repair it.

Good evening, Thank you for your reply. The popup button does not work, as seen in the video. Please help me to repair it.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 June 2022

Hi, Samuel,

Please try to update the Nicepage plugin to the latest version. After that, run the Nicepage app (the latest version), open the Project used for your theme, export it as a WordPress theme without the content, and install it according to this instruction:

If that does not help, please attach your theme exported as a Project and provide temporary access to your admin panel.

The topic is private now.
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Samuel, Please try to update the Nicepage plugin to the latest version. After that, run the Nicepage app (the latest version), open the Project used for your theme, export it as a WordPress theme without the content, and install it according to this instruction: If that does not help, please attach your theme exported as a Project and provide temporary access to your admin panel. The topic is private now. ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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