Continuation of "Where Do I Get My WP-UI"

44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 02 June 2022
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Hello Ahmad,

I had to start a new thread because it wouldn't let me attach but 5 files. Anyhoo, here's screenshots in the order that I encounter them. I don't know where the 5th one was. And I'm not sure if the "Theme-Scrnshot" helps you.

So, 1.) I EXPORTED my project file as a WP project.
2.) I downloaded the brand new 4.12.0 WP Plugin.
3.) I tried to IMPORT the new WP Plugin that I just downloaded, and Step-3.jpg is what I get.

What am I doing wrong? Is Step-3 where I should see the WP Admin panel?

Hello Ahmad, I had to start a new thread because it wouldn't let me attach but 5 files. Anyhoo, here's screenshots in the order that I encounter them. I don't know where the 5th one was. And I'm not sure if the "Theme-Scrnshot" helps you. So, 1.) I EXPORTED my project file as a WP project. 2.) I downloaded the brand new 4.12.0 WP Plugin. 3.) I tried to IMPORT the new WP Plugin that I just downloaded, and Step-3.jpg is what I get. What am I doing wrong? Is Step-3 where I should see the WP Admin panel?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 03 June 2022

Hi George,

Here's some comments regarding the screenshots that you've attached.

This popup means that in the Online Builder you can create only 1 website.

Delete in the Online Builder the extra Website1944757

Download the Nicepage Desktop app and import the project to the app -

You didn't mention if you have a WordPress website already??? Did you import the project to WordPress website?
Is it possible to provide temporary access to the WordPress admin panel???
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Hi George, Here's some comments regarding the screenshots that you've attached. > This popup means that in the Online Builder you can create only 1 website. > Delete in the Online Builder the extra ***Website1944757*** Download the Nicepage Desktop app and import the project to the app - You didn't mention if you have a WordPress website already??? Did you import the project to WordPress website? Is it possible to provide temporary access to the WordPress admin panel??? ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 03 June 2022

I have no other websites AT ALL. I deleted #1944757 as well. However, when I opened up the desktop version and tried to use the IMPORT option I still got the Prem. Plan message. So, if I want to convert my old HTML site to WP, does the new WP site count as a 2nd site? Sounds rather unfair.

I have no other websites AT ALL. I deleted #1944757 as well. However, when I opened up the desktop version and tried to use the IMPORT option I still got the Prem. Plan message. So, if I want to convert my old HTML site to WP, does the new WP site count as a 2nd site? Sounds rather unfair.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 03 June 2022

That's not like this. I think we are talking about different things. We do not provide the hosting with WordPress CMS or Joomla CMS. Check some videos on youtube about WordPress and Content Management System (CMS) in general.

You are exporting the project from the Nicepage Desktop app into WordPress format and and then importing the Theme and content to your WordPress that you suppose to already install on your other hosting.

If you didn't check yet the videos about the export and update the Theme in WordPress

Check the Bluehost for the WordPress website as an example, or any other hosting that supports WordPress website installation, they will help you also to assign your custom domain name. Once the WordPress website will be installed and you will have the access to the admin panel we can help you to install you to import the project that you've designed in the Nicepage.

Feel free to contact us for further assistance.
Nicepage Support Team

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That's not like this. I think we are talking about different things. We do not provide the hosting with WordPress CMS or Joomla CMS. Check some videos on youtube about WordPress and Content Management System (CMS) in general. You are exporting the project from the Nicepage Desktop app into WordPress format and and then importing the Theme and content to your WordPress that you suppose to already install on your other hosting. If you didn't check yet the videos about the export and update the Theme in WordPress Check the Bluehost for the WordPress website as an example, or any other hosting that supports WordPress website installation, they will help you also to assign your custom domain name. Once the WordPress website will be installed and you will have the access to the admin panel we can help you to install you to import the project that you've designed in the Nicepage. Feel free to contact us for further assistance. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 04 June 2022

I followed your instructions...I THINK, but this isn't exactly what I intended, and I HOPE I can back out of this. If you'll notice, in the very top left is the name of my OTHER website that I currently have Bluehost hosting. So, what do I do to make it so HostGator is hosting myproaudiogear?

I followed your instructions...I THINK, but this isn't exactly what I intended, and I HOPE I can back out of this. If you'll notice, in the very top left is the name of my OTHER website that I currently have Bluehost hosting. So, what do I do to make it so HostGator is hosting myproaudiogear?
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 07 June 2022


Can you pls clarify? Are you saying you can't help me from here. That I need to go back to Hostgator and get them to host it as WP. THEN, come back to you?

Also, is there a way that i can export 1 of my pgs as a jpg or png so someone can see just 1 page?


Ahmad, Can you pls clarify? Are you saying you can't help me from here. That I need to go back to Hostgator and get them to host it as WP. THEN, come back to you? Also, is there a way that i can export 1 of my pgs as a jpg or png so someone can see just 1 page? Thanks, George
Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 June 2022

Hi George,

If you currently have the myproaudiogear domain name assigned to the site hosted with Bluehost and you need a WP site with the myproaudiogear domain hosted with Hostgator, then you need to install the WP site on the Hostgator host, then assign the domain name myproaudiogear to the Hostgator hosting and your new site and then import the theme exported from Nicepage in this new site.

Also, is there a way that i can export 1 of my pgs as a jpg or png so someone can see just 1 page?

If you need to export the age as the image, use the Export dialog >> Image and that will export the page as a picture.

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Hi George, If you currently have the myproaudiogear domain name assigned to the site hosted with Bluehost and you need a WP site with the myproaudiogear domain hosted with Hostgator, then you need to install the WP site on the Hostgator host, then assign the domain name myproaudiogear to the Hostgator hosting and your new site and then import the theme exported from Nicepage in this new site. >Also, is there a way that i can export 1 of my pgs as a jpg or png so someone can see just 1 page? If you need to export the age as the image, use the Export dialog >> Image and that will export the page as a picture. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 08 June 2022


Apparently, you didn't look at my scrnshot. The NicePage theme got imported into my OTHER WP site that's hosted on Bluehost. Pls look at my screenshot again, and tell me who to go to to solve this dilemma.


Hella, Apparently, you didn't look at my scrnshot. The NicePage theme got imported into my OTHER WP site that's hosted on Bluehost. Pls look at my screenshot again, and tell me who to go to to solve this dilemma. Thanks, George
Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 June 2022

Hi George,

Maybe it's a bit unclear what exactly do you need. So you have a WP site with the Nicepage theme and the domain you have hosted on the hosting that you do not want to use for this site, right? And you need to move the whole site and domain to the other hosting? Then you need to ask your current hosting provider to help you export the whole WP site and its database so it could be transferred to another hosting. There is nothing to do with Nicepage. Also you will need to assign a domain name to a new hosting.
If you need to do something different please explain your intentions in more details.

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Hi George, Maybe it's a bit unclear what exactly do you need. So you have a WP site with the Nicepage theme and the domain you have hosted on the hosting that you do not want to use for this site, right? And you need to move the whole site and domain to the other hosting? Then you need to ask your current hosting provider to help you export the whole WP site and its database so it could be transferred to another hosting. There is nothing to do with Nicepage. Also you will need to assign a domain name to a new hosting. If you need to do something different please explain your intentions in more details. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 09 June 2022


Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 June 2022

Hi George,

You are welcome. Please let me know if you need any further help.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi George, You are welcome. Please let me know if you need any further help. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 12 June 2022

If I hadn't already invested all that I have in this I would have LOONG quit this crap. I just spent 3 hrs getting HostGator to make a fresh install, cuz that's all I knew to do. I've read all your DAMN instructions and YouTubes. NONE OF THEM MAKE ANY SENSEI HAVE THE NEW MYPROAUDIOGEAR.COM DOMAIN!! NOW HOW THE HELL DO I IMPORT WHAT I'VE ALREADY DONE!!!??? WHY CAN'T THERE JUST BE AN EXPORT AND AN IMPORT? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU!! HOW BOUT YOU SPEND 3-4 HOURS FIXING THIS SHIT! YOU'RE THE EXPERT!!!!!

If I hadn't already invested all that I have in this I would have LOONG quit this crap. I just spent 3 hrs getting HostGator to make a fresh install, cuz that's all I knew to do. I've read all your DAMN instructions and YouTubes. NONE OF THEM MAKE ANY SENSEI HAVE THE NEW MYPROAUDIOGEAR.COM DOMAIN!! NOW HOW THE HELL DO I IMPORT WHAT I'VE ALREADY DONE!!!??? WHY CAN'T THERE JUST BE AN EXPORT AND AN IMPORT? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU!! HOW BOUT YOU SPEND 3-4 HOURS FIXING THIS SHIT! YOU'RE THE EXPERT!!!!!
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 13 June 2022

I'm sorry for my tirade yesterday, but I swear I've been the best understanding customer I know how to be trying to figure this out. And when I look at my screen and menus and I try to make sense of what choices it gives me, and what actually happens, or DOESN'T happen, it is just beyond frustrating.

So, you have a fresh install of WP. Just go to I would give you my private login, but I currently don't see the choices to keep them private. So, I'm stymied on that. But when you get in you'll see I'm using the 2022 theme and it shows the Hello World page.

Right now, I'm clueless as to how to import the WP files I've already created, and you guys don't use a Chat line like so many other companies do, So, I'm putting the owness on you. YOU figure out a simple solution that makes sense.

I'm sorry for my tirade yesterday, but I swear I've been the best understanding customer I know how to be trying to figure this out. And when I look at my screen and menus and I try to make sense of what choices it gives me, and what actually happens, or DOESN'T happen, it is just beyond frustrating. So, you have a fresh install of WP. Just go to I would give you my private login, but I currently don't see the choices to keep them private. So, I'm stymied on that. But when you get in you'll see I'm using the 2022 theme and it shows the Hello World page. Right now, I'm clueless as to how to import the WP files I've already created, and you guys don't use a Chat line like so many other companies do, So, I'm putting the owness on you. YOU figure out a simple solution that makes sense.
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 14 June 2022

1.) When I'm following these instructions below am I working from my local install, or the online version?
2.) I don't see ANY option resembling Step 3. So, from there on it's just a crap shoot. Nothing I'm seeing makes sense. Sorry to be so stupid.

Export Theme Only
1.) Run the Nicepage application for Windows or Mac OS.
2.) Open your working website.
3.) Open Theme -> Blog Template.
4.) Change the Blog Preset.
5.) Click the "Export" icon in the Top Bar.
6.) In the dialog, select the WordPress Tab.
7.) Make sure that you check only the Theme Box.
8.) In the exported zip, you will have only the Theme changes. Content will stay unchanged.
9.) Click the Export button to export the Nicepage Theme.

When I look at the Import Theme instructions below at steps 2 & 3. First of all, I'm looking at a fresh install that Hostgator spent 3 hours making from my old account. They said they saw the WP files in my CPANEL. I don't know what they did. I'm not supposed to know. I don't know why y'all can't handle those tasks. At any rate, It comes up using 2022, and the Hello World. There is NO NicePage. My NicePage theme is nowhere there to DEactivate, as you instruct in step 3. So, again, everything after that is just a crap shoot.

Import Theme Only
1,) Switch to your WordPress Administration.
2.) Select Appearance -> Themes.
3.) Select another theme to deactivate your current Nicepage Theme.
4.) You may delete the old Nicepage Theme if not needed.
5.) Install and activate your new Theme.
6.) For details, watch the video about installing the Nicepage WordPress Theme.
7.) Note: Your website is default set to show the Blog as the home page.
8.) Click WordPress -> Visit Site to preview your Blog changes.

I don't know what else I can do as a good customer to tell you what I'm dealing with. YOU'RE supposed to hold my hand, not the other way around.

1.) When I'm following these instructions below am I working from my local install, or the online version? 2.) I don't see ANY option resembling Step 3. So, from there on it's just a crap shoot. Nothing I'm seeing makes sense. Sorry to be so stupid. > **Export Theme Only** 1.) Run the Nicepage application for Windows or Mac OS. 2.) Open your working website. 3.) Open Theme -> Blog Template. 4.) Change the Blog Preset. 5.) Click the "Export" icon in the Top Bar. 6.) In the dialog, select the WordPress Tab. 7.) Make sure that you check only the Theme Box. 8.) In the exported zip, you will have only the Theme changes. Content will stay unchanged. 9.) Click the Export button to export the Nicepage Theme. When I look at the **Import Theme** instructions below at steps 2 & 3. First of all, I'm looking at a fresh install that Hostgator spent 3 hours making from my old account. They said they saw the WP files in my CPANEL. I don't know what they did. I'm not supposed to know. I don't know why y'all can't handle those tasks. At any rate, It comes up using 2022, and the Hello World. There is NO NicePage. My NicePage theme is nowhere there to DEactivate, as you instruct in step 3. So, again, everything after that is just a crap shoot. > **Import Theme Only** 1,) Switch to your WordPress Administration. 2.) Select Appearance -> Themes. 3.) Select another theme to deactivate your current Nicepage Theme. 4.) You may delete the old Nicepage Theme if not needed. 5.) Install and activate your new Theme. 6.) For details, watch the video about installing the Nicepage WordPress Theme. 7.) Note: Your website is default set to show the Blog as the home page. 8.) Click WordPress -> Visit Site to preview your Blog changes. I don't know what else I can do as a good customer to tell you what I'm dealing with. YOU'RE supposed to hold my hand, not the other way around.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 15 June 2022

Hi George,

Please let me try to explain you once again. If you want to create a WP site, you need to install it on your hosting (this is what you have already done, good) and then you need to install the WP theme and content created in Nicepage desktop or online. If you have developed the site on another hosting using the Nicepage WP plug-in there is no export option in the plug-in, this is for editing the single site only. So you need to export the WP theme (with the pages and plug-in included) from your desktop application or online editor and import to the current new WP site you have installed on your new hosting. You should navigate to WP admin >> Appearance >> Theme >> New >> Upload and upload the theme you have exported.
As for the instructions you have mentioned above and the steps that you have pointed to, you can ignore them and just perform the Export operation and Import according to the instructions.
Please follow my steps and let me know what exact step gives you the problem. Attach some screenshots of the issues you have or record a short video so it would help us understand what exactly is not right on your end.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi George, Please let me try to explain you once again. If you want to create a WP site, you need to install it on your hosting (this is what you have already done, good) and then you need to install the WP theme and content created in Nicepage **desktop** or **online**. If you have developed the site on another hosting using the Nicepage WP **plug-in** there is no export option in the plug-in, this is for editing the single site only. So you need to export the WP theme (with the pages and plug-in included) from your desktop application or online editor and import to the current new WP site you have installed on your new hosting. You should navigate to WP admin >> Appearance >> Theme >> New >> Upload and upload the theme you have exported. As for the instructions you have mentioned above and the steps that you have pointed to, you can ignore them and just perform the Export operation and Import according to the instructions. Please follow my steps and let me know what exact step gives you the problem. Attach some screenshots of the issues you have or record a short video so it would help us understand what exactly is not right on your end. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 15 June 2022

FINALLY! Thanks.

FINALLY! Thanks.
44 Posts
gplea1958 posted this 15 June 2022

1 simple question. I'm trying to figure out who I go to for support now that I'm using WP. On my other site that I was using Bluehost the WP-Admin screen had Help in the menu. I don't see that now with this site. So, do I go to HostGator since they're hosting? Also, as far as editing, is NicePage the only editor I can use for free? I also installed the Updraft plugin for my backups. Is there a way I can backup to my local drive like I used to with NicePage?

1 simple question. I'm trying to figure out who I go to for support now that I'm using WP. On my other site that I was using Bluehost the WP-Admin screen had Help in the menu. I don't see that now with this site. So, do I go to HostGator since they're hosting? Also, as far as editing, is NicePage the only editor I can use for free? I also installed the Updraft plugin for my backups. Is there a way I can backup to my local drive like I used to with NicePage?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 June 2022

Hi George,

What help option do you mean? The help about WP CMS? You can search for help through the WordPress community, also your hosting may help you with some questions.
Feel free to make backups of your site, that is a good practice to store the site backup before making any changes.

is NicePage the only editor I can use for free

What do you mean? You have Nicepage license and can use it on your site. It does not work with other content editors so you cannot use other editors to edit the content created with Nicepage.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi George, What help option do you mean? The help about WP CMS? You can search for help through the WordPress community, also your hosting may help you with some questions. Feel free to make backups of your site, that is a good practice to store the site backup before making any changes. >is NicePage the only editor I can use for free What do you mean? You have Nicepage license and can use it on your site. It does not work with other content editors so you cannot use other editors to edit the content created with Nicepage. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
1 Posts
garkbeda43 posted this 16 June 2022

I THINK, but this isn't exactly what I intended, and I HOPE I can back out of this.

I THINK, but this isn't exactly what I intended, and I HOPE I can back out of this.
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