Contact forms

11 Posts
admin4762 posted this 14 March 2021
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I am presuming you have a deal with 3rd parties to share e mail addresses from forms so they can send spam emails to people. I have used your standard contact form on my site and soon as i uploaded it to my server allresdy receiving spam emails.

I am presuming you have a deal with 3rd parties to share e mail addresses from forms so they can send spam emails to people. I have used your standard contact form on my site and soon as i uploaded it to my server allresdy receiving spam emails.
Vote to pay developers attention to this features or issue.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 March 2021

Hi Michael,

Thanks for contacting us.

We can assure you that we do not have any deals with any of the third-party email services.
We provided these services for demo purposes only, and it's not in our interest that email services will be sending spam emails to our customers.
To avoid spam emails and submitting a form by bots on your website, we implemented ReCaptcha in Nicepage.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the service provided by other companies.
Ahmad M.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Michael, Thanks for contacting us. We can assure you that we do not have any deals with any of the third-party email services. We provided these services for demo purposes only, and it's not in our interest that email services will be sending spam emails to our customers. To avoid spam emails and submitting a form by bots on your website, we implemented [ReCaptcha in Nicepage.][1] *Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the service provided by other companies.* ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad M. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
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