Nicepage with Joomla seems not to be working out at all - i have many problems - please try to help me - thanks :-)

Kompressionszentrum Schweiz
4 Posts
Kompressionszentrum Schweiz posted this 28 December 2020
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I created a site using Nicepage (with grids) and imported it successfully in Joomla. When previewing the different layouts on the different devices it looks bad already and on the different screen sizes ALL goes wrong when using different devices and browsers! When looking at my website with different browsers on pc, laptop, tablet and mobile devices the biggest problems are:

  • words are broken into next row at any letter
  • sometimes words are not broken but just cut of and unreadable
  • the header enlarges on mobile phone and literally takes half of the screen!!! on other devices it enlarges the background colour as well
  • most blocks expand to crazy sizes when i downsize the website and create a lot of empty space in background colour but at the same time
  • some texts are cut and not fully readable
  • on laptop the header background shrinks too much but not the pictures and even if there is enough space for the proper menu it decides to put the hamburger ..

look at photos please, there you can see what I tried to describe.

What am I missing? Why is the site not responsive? Thanks for your help, stay safe and better 2021 for all!

I created a site using Nicepage (with grids) and imported it successfully in Joomla. When previewing the different layouts on the different devices it looks bad already and on the different screen sizes ALL goes wrong when using different devices and browsers! When looking at my website with different browsers on pc, laptop, tablet and mobile devices the biggest problems are: - words are broken into next row at any letter - sometimes words are not broken but just cut of and unreadable - the header enlarges on mobile phone and literally takes half of the screen!!! on other devices it enlarges the background colour as well - most blocks expand to crazy sizes when i downsize the website and create a lot of empty space in background colour but at the same time - some texts are cut and not fully readable - on laptop the header background shrinks too much but not the pictures and even if there is enough space for the proper menu it decides to put the hamburger .. look at photos please, there you can see what I tried to describe. What am I missing? Why is the site not responsive? Thanks for your help, stay safe and better 2021 for all!

Last edited 28 December 2020 by Kompressionszentrum Schweiz

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4 Replies
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13 Posts
pland762 posted this 28 December 2020

Проблема в том, что адаптивности полной пока нету в Nicepage. Сколько сделал уже сайтов и везде проблема с адаптивностью.

Проблема в том, что адаптивности полной пока нету в Nicepage. Сколько сделал уже сайтов и везде проблема с адаптивностью.
Kompressionszentrum Schweiz
4 Posts
Kompressionszentrum Schweiz posted this 28 December 2020

that is very bad news!

that is very bad news!
Kompressionszentrum Schweiz
4 Posts
Kompressionszentrum Schweiz posted this 28 December 2020

ok solved most problems now in many hours of work BUT following problem:
if I open the site on mobile device there is a big white border around 1 cm on the left and right side. How to get rid of it? You can see the problem on the pic on the right side, but it is same on left.

ok solved most problems now in many hours of work BUT following problem: if I open the site on mobile device there is a big white border around 1 cm on the left and right side. How to get rid of it? You can see the problem on the pic on the right side, but it is same on left.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 January 2021

Markus and Aleksandr,

The space to the right means that some of your Elements have a width bigger than the view's one. And it's positioned not in the Sheet or Block limits in the Phone View or bigger. And it would help if you had either the remove that Element or change its width. Also, please follow the tips at

Alignments and grids/lists for columnar layouts are critical. Also, do not forget to use the Reset Responsive button once you make changes on the desktop view, as changes are applied from the bigger to smaller view.
Allen R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Markus and Aleksandr, The space to the right means that some of your Elements have a width bigger than the view's one. And it's positioned not in the Sheet or Block limits in the Phone View or bigger. And it would help if you had either the remove that Element or change its width. Also, please follow the tips at Alignments and grids/lists for columnar layouts are critical. Also, do not forget to use the Reset Responsive button once you make changes on the desktop view, as changes are applied from the bigger to smaller view. ................................................... Sincerely, Allen R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 06 January 2021 by Support Team

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