You can connect your own domain to your site, which is published on Nicepage Hosting.
Buy a domain name from a registrar.
Configure DNS settings for the Nicepage Network.
Enter your domain name in the Nicepage's Site Settings.
• It may take 6 to 72 hours or the time specified in the TTL field to propagate changes over the Internet.
• The SSL certificate (HTTPS) is assigned automatically. However, it may take up to 6 hours to propagate.
To set up your Domain to point to the Nicepage network, please do the following:
Open the DNS Management page of your Domain on the registrar's website.
Edit or create the root A-Type Record for your Domain, set @ or leave empty as Name, and enter the IP as Value.
Edit or create a CNAME-Type Record with the WWW Value pointing to your Domain's root.
Remove all root AAAA-Type Records (with @ as Name).
Remove all root A-Type Records (with @ as Name) and not having the IP as Value.
Remove all WWW Records that differ from those created above in point 3.
A-Type Record
• To use your Domain with Nicepage, you must set one A-Type and one CNAME-Type Record or
two A-Type Records in the DNS settings.
• The A-Type Record must contain @ (or nothing) in the Name field, meaning the root domain.
• You can use only one IP address for the A-Type Record with Name @.
Edit the A-Type Record or add a new one if needed. Enter the IP as Value. Leave @ for the Name.
NOTE: The Host or Hostname may differ depending on the registrar. Usually, do not change @ or blank in such a field.
WWW Record
Before configuring, decide whether you will use the WWW for the Domain along with the root or only the root domain. We strongly recommend using both the root and the WWW subdomain, as it is common practice.
WWW can be configured as a CNAME-Type Record and as an A-Type Record.
For CNAME, create or edit an existing record with the CNAME type and WWW as the Name field. Enter as the Value. Please note the dot at the end, as it is important. Save and check for errors.
The site will be accessible with and without WWW with your domain name.
Instead of using CNAME, some registrars may require entering the A-record with the IP, Value, for www in the Name field or something similar for a subdomain.
Please refer to the domain name registrar's instructions or contact their support service if you encounter any issues.
Connect Domain To Nicepage
You need a Nicepage Premium to use this feature. In the Desktop Application or Online Builder:
Open the Site Settings -> General Tab.
Click the Connect button.
Enter the domain name into the "My Domain" field.
For example, Do not use WWW, as it is added automatically when the DNS is created.
Click Ok.
Click Done.
Change Domain
Clearing the Domain Name in the Site Settings will disconnect the Domain from your site.
1. Your website will become unavailable.
2. The HTTPS SSL certificate and Domain configuration will be removed.
3. Reassignment takes up to 6 hours.
We strongly DO NOT RECOMMEND disconnecting the Domain to continue stable operation.
You can change the Custom Domain.
Open the Site Settings -> General Tab.
Click the Connect button.
Enter the new domain name in the dialog.
Click Ok.
Click Done.
NOTE: The Domain is reassigned after you save the Site Settings.
WWW Record
• If you add a WWW Record in the DNS management AFTER you enter your Domain in the Nicepage's Site Settings,
you must clear your Domain Name in the Site Settings, save changes, re-enter your Domain Name, and save again.
• You must decide whether to use WWW before adding the Domain Name to Nicepage.
Check During Publish
You can set and check your Custom Domain connection in the Publish and Export dialog. Click the Configure button, then enter the domain name in the Custom Domain dialog.
Please note again the check function for Cloudflare domains is not supported.
Check the connection in the Publish and Export dialog if needed. If successful, you will see the following message.
In case of a failure, you will receive an error message.
You can also verify the Domain in the Success dialog.
Used Terms
Registrar DNS Panel - a domain maintenance page on the registrar site.
A-Type Record - a record that points to the IP address version 4 used with Nicepage.
AAAA-Type Record - a record pointing to IP address version 6.
Root Domain Record - the main record representing your domain name, for example,
At the DNS panel, it is usually specified as @ or is empty in the Name field. It is the A-Type Record.
CNAME-Type Record - an alias to another A-Type or AAAA-Type Record for a domain.
If the original A-Type Record changes, a new address will be used for the CNAME-Type Record.
WWW Record - a subdomain of your Domain commonly used for websites. It can be A-Type or CNAME-Type.
TTL- "time to live," the number of seconds required for record changes to propagate over the Internet.
Common Problems
Message: Insecure Website
The common reasons and resolutions are as follows:
You just assigned your Domain to the Nicepage website.
SSL certificate generation usually takes 5 minutes but can take up to 6 hours.
You changed DNS by removing or adding WWW records some time ago but did not reassign your Domain.
Revert your changes for the WWW Record in the DNS panel or reenter your Domain Name in the Nicepage's Site Settings.
You have unused root AAAA-Type records in your DNS.
Please remove AAAA-Type records with @ in the Name field.
You have two or more IP addresses for the Domain root.
Please keep one record only containing our IP address in the Value field and @ in the Name field.
Message: Nicepage's Domain has been assigned
You see the wrong website, not yours. The common reason and resolution are as follows:
It usually means you have not connected your Domain Name in the Nicepage's Site settings.
To connect to your site, enter your Domain Name in the Site Settings.
Message: Wrong website, parking page, or non-existent domain
The common reasons and resolutions are as follows:
You do not own the domain name.
You must purchase this domain name from the registrar's website.
Your DNS settings are incorrect.
Verify the root A-Type Record and WWW CNAME-Type or A-Type Records.
You just purchased the Domain.
It may take up to 48 hours after the domain purchase to propagate.
You just changed DNS settings.
Wait until the TTL time for your records passes.
You can connect your own domain to your site, which is published on Nicepage Hosting.
- Buy a domain name from a registrar.
- Configure DNS settings for the Nicepage Network.
- Enter your domain name in the Nicepage's Site Settings.
<div style="background: #f3f3f3; padding: 15px"><pre style="font-family: Roboto;">
• It may take 6 to 72 hours or the time specified in the TTL field to propagate changes over the Internet.
• The SSL certificate (HTTPS) is assigned automatically. However, it may take up to 6 hours to propagate.
<iframe style="width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;" src="" title="Nicepage Lessons: How To Connect A Custom Domain" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
### See Also
[More video lessons](page:1318)
## DNS Setup
<div style="background: #f3f3f3; padding: 15px"><pre style="font-family: Roboto;">
• Nicepage does not provide the DNS hosting.
To set up your Domain to point to the Nicepage network, please do the following:
1. Open the DNS Management page of your Domain on the registrar's website.
2. Edit or create the root A-Type Record for your Domain, set @ or leave empty as Name, and enter the IP **** as Value.
3. Edit or create a CNAME-Type Record with the WWW Value pointing to your Domain's root.
4. Remove all root AAAA-Type Records (with @ as Name).
5. Remove all root A-Type Records (with @ as Name) and not having the IP **** as Value.
6. Remove all WWW Records that differ from those created above in point 3.
### A-Type Record
<div style="background: #f3f3f3; padding: 15px"><pre style="font-family: Roboto;">
• To use your Domain with Nicepage, you must set one A-Type and one CNAME-Type Record or
two A-Type Records in the DNS settings.
• The A-Type Record must contain @ (or nothing) in the Name field, meaning the root domain.
• You can use only one IP address for the A-Type Record with Name @.
Edit the A-Type Record or add a new one if needed. Enter the IP **** as Value. Leave @ for the Name.
*NOTE: The Host or Hostname may differ depending on the registrar. Usually, do not change @ or blank in such a field.*
### WWW Record
Before configuring, decide whether you will use the WWW for the Domain along with the root or only the root domain. We strongly recommend using both the root and the WWW subdomain, as it is common practice.
WWW can be configured as a CNAME-Type Record and as an A-Type Record.
For CNAME, create or edit an existing record with the CNAME type and WWW as the Name field. Enter ** as the Value. Please note the dot at the end, as it is important. Save and check for errors.
The site will be accessible with and without WWW with your domain name.
Instead of using CNAME, some registrars may require entering the A-record with the IP **,** Value, for *www* in the Name field or something similar for a subdomain.
Please refer to the domain name registrar's instructions or contact their support service if you encounter any issues.
## Connect Domain To Nicepage
You need a [Nicepage Premium](/premium) to use this feature. In the Desktop Application or Online Builder:
1. Open the Site Settings -> General Tab.
2. Click the Connect button.
3. Enter the domain name into the "My Domain" field.
4. For example, **. Do not use WWW, as it is added automatically when the DNS is created.
5. Click Ok.
6. Click Done.
## Change Domain
<div style="background: #f3f3f3; padding: 15px"><pre style="font-family: Roboto;">
Clearing the Domain Name in the Site Settings will disconnect the Domain from your site.
1. Your website will become unavailable.
2. The HTTPS SSL certificate and Domain configuration will be removed.
3. Reassignment takes up to 6 hours.
We strongly DO NOT RECOMMEND disconnecting the Domain to continue stable operation.
You can change the Custom Domain.
1. Open the Site Settings -> General Tab.
2. Click the Connect button.
3. Enter the new domain name in the dialog.
4. Click Ok.
5. Click Done.
*NOTE: The Domain is reassigned after you save the Site Settings.*
<div style="background: #f3f3f3; padding: 15px"><pre style="font-family: Roboto;">
<b>WWW Record</b>
• If you add a WWW Record in the DNS management AFTER you enter your Domain in the Nicepage's Site Settings,
you must clear your Domain Name in the Site Settings, save changes, re-enter your Domain Name, and save again.
• You must decide whether to use WWW before adding the Domain Name to Nicepage.
## Check During Publish
You can set and check your Custom Domain connection in the Publish and Export dialog. Click the Configure button, then enter the domain name in the Custom Domain dialog.
*Please note again the check function for Cloudflare domains is not supported.*
Check the connection in the Publish and Export dialog if needed. If successful, you will see the following message.
In case of a failure, you will receive an error message.
You can also verify the Domain in the Success dialog.
## Used Terms
- *Registrar DNS Panel* - a domain maintenance page on the registrar site.
- *A-Type Record* - a record that points to the IP address version 4 used with Nicepage.
- *AAAA-Type Record* - a record pointing to IP address version 6.
- *Root Domain Record* - the main record representing your domain name, for example, **.
At the DNS panel, it is usually specified as @ or is empty in the Name field. It is the A-Type Record.
- *CNAME-Type Record* - an alias to another A-Type or AAAA-Type Record for a domain.
If the original A-Type Record changes, a new address will be used for the CNAME-Type Record.
- *WWW Record* - a subdomain of your Domain commonly used for websites. It can be A-Type or CNAME-Type.
- *TTL*- "time to live," the number of seconds required for record changes to propagate over the Internet.
## Common Problems
#### Message: Insecure Website
The common reasons and resolutions are as follows:
- *You just assigned your Domain to the Nicepage website.*
SSL certificate generation usually takes 5 minutes but can take up to 6 hours.
- *You changed DNS by removing or adding WWW records some time ago but did not reassign your Domain.*
Revert your changes for the WWW Record in the DNS panel or reenter your Domain Name in the Nicepage's Site Settings.
- *You have unused root AAAA-Type records in your DNS.*
Please remove AAAA-Type records with @ in the Name field.
- *You have two or more IP addresses for the Domain root.*
Please keep one record only containing our IP address in the Value field and @ in the Name field.
#### Message: Nicepage's Domain has been assigned
You see the wrong website, not yours. The common reason and resolution are as follows:
- *It usually means you have not connected your Domain Name in the Nicepage's Site settings.*
To connect to your site, enter your Domain Name in the Site Settings.
#### Message: Wrong website, parking page, or non-existent domain
The common reasons and resolutions are as follows:
- *You do not own the domain name.*
You must purchase this domain name from the registrar's website.
- *Your DNS settings are incorrect.*
Verify the root A-Type Record and WWW CNAME-Type or A-Type Records.
- *You just purchased the Domain.*
It may take up to 48 hours after the domain purchase to propagate.
- *You just changed DNS settings.*
Wait until the TTL time for your records passes.