How to buy a domain from
To buy a domain name from, you should do the following steps:
Type in the domain name you would like to buy and click on Search Domain.

Added To Cart
Once the domain is verified to be available, it is added to the shopping cart. Click Continue.

Proceed To Billing
Verify your order and proceed to billing.

Billing & Payment
Type in the credentials, verify the order and click the Purchase Now button.

Register a new account or log in at
You are done. Click the DNS tab to connect a domain name to your Nicepage site.
### How to buy a domain from To buy a domain name from, you should do the following steps: ### Search Type in the domain name you would like to buy and click on Search Domain. !domain-type-domain.png! ### Added To Cart Once the domain is verified to be available, it is added to the shopping cart. Click Continue. !domain-continue.png! ### Proceed To Billing Verify your order and proceed to billing. !domain-proceed-billing.png! ### Billing & Payment Type in the credentials, verify the order and click the Purchase Now button. !domain-billing-payment.png! ### Register Register a new account or log in at ### Connect You are done. Click the DNS tab to [connect a domain name](page:1293) to your Nicepage site. ##