What's New in This Update?
- Shopping Cart for Nicepage E-Commerce
- Shopping Cart Icon In Header
- Add Product To Cart For Product Button
- Shopping Cart Product Quantity
- Open Shopping Cart List
- Keep Products After Page Refresh
- Updated Product Changes
- Change Products In Shopping Cart
- Pay For Products With PayPal
- Pay For Products With Stripe
- Shopping Cart After Successful Payment
- Multiple Products In Order History
- Sorting And Pagination For Nicepage Products
- Show Sorting On Product List
- Show Pagination On Product List
- Change Sorting On Live Store
- Contact Form
- Form Field Properties Reworked
- New Block And Page Designs
Shopping Cart for Nicepage E-Commerce
We continue working on E-Commerce features and present the Shopping Cart for Nicepage E-Commerce.
The Shopping Cart is available for the Premium plans starting from Business.
Shopping Cart Icon In Header
Add the Shopping Cart Icon to the Header to enable the Shopping Cart feature on your E-Commerce websites. Previously, it worked only for WordPress WooCommerce and Joomla VirtueMart.
Add Product To Cart For Product Button
We have added the Add Product To Cart property for the Product List Page Template and Product Element, so your customers can click the Button to add a Product to the Shopping Cart.
Shopping Cart Product Quantity
After publishing and clicking the Add To Cart Button for a Product on the live website, your customers will see the number of Products added to the Cart on the Shopping Icon in the Header.
Open Shopping Cart List
Clicking on the Shopping Cart Icon in the Header opens the Payment Popup containing the list of the Products added to the Cart and Payment Buttons.
Keep Products After Page Refresh
If a user refreshes a page with Products in the current browser, the Products in the Shopping Cart will be retained.
If you change the Price for a Product and this Product is in the Shopping Cart after republishing, the Price for this Product will be updated.
In the Payment Popup, your customer can change the Product Quantity, remove Products, and choose the Payment System.
Pay For Products With PayPal
If you select PayPal and click on the Payment Popup, your customers will see the Total sum from the Payment Popup on the PayPal website.
Pay For Products With Stripe
For Stripe, your customer will see the Products, their Quantities, Prices, and Total from the Payment Popup on the Stripe website.
Shopping Cart After Successful Payment
After the successful payment, the Products are removed from the Shopping Cart.
Multiple Products In Order History
If your customer pays for several products, you will see those Products on the Orders page in the Profile on the Nicepage website.
You can also open this page from email with order confirmations.
Sorting And Pagination For Nicepage Products
You can now enable the Sorting and Pagination for the Product List Page Template and Product List Element with the Nicepage Source.
The Sorting and Pagination work together and are supported for HTML, WordPress, and Joomla E-Commerce websites.
Show Sorting On Product List
You can enable and stylize the Sorting in the Property Panel for the selected Product List Element on a page or the Product List Page Template.
Show Pagination On Product List
You can also enable and stylize the Pagination for the Product List Element on a page and the page template.
Change Sorting On Live Store
Your customers can now change the Sorting for a Product List on your live E-Commerce websites made with Nicepage.
Form Field Properties Reworked
Our usability tests showed that Contact Form properties needed improvements. We have modified the properties for the Contact Form Filed in the Property Panel.
Fixed Issues
- Invalid height of the Sidebar for narrow Elements
- Invalid Category Name after the rename operation for the Image Gallery Element
- Invalid alignment of the Vertical Line in the Grid Cell
- Invalid Width of the Text Elements after converting the Multiselection to a Box
- Invalid height and positioning of the Slider Element after changing the Width in percentage
- Invalid positioning of the Multiselection on move with the keys in the Responsive Modes
- Invalid Width of the Label in the Contact Form Element on some user projects
- Invalid position of the Image and Shape Element in a Grid Cell after resizing
- Invalid thumbnails for the Gallery Thumbnails Layout after reordering
- Invalid styling of the Menu Items after switching to the Mega Menu layout
- Invalid display of the Image Names auto-generated while importing
- Invalid display of the Icon for the Grid Repeater Spacing property
- Invalid display of the Reszie Marker for the Text Element
- Invalid display of the Language Element after the removal
- Invalid display of the pages with the special symbols in the page names on some user websites
- Invalid Border after applying a Button Style to the Hyperlink Element
- Invalid Border for the Animation on Hover property for the Hyperlink Element after the publish
- Invalid position of the Box Element after overlapping and moving Elements
- Invalid option to duplicate the Product List Element in the Element Options in the Editor
- Invalid display of the Horizontal Scroll in the Responsive Modes on some user websites
- Malfunctioning of pasting Text copied from websites
- Malfunctioning of project export from the Desktop Application for some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Google Maps Element in the Desktop Application in some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Application after updating on some user computers
- Malfunctioning of the Delete operation for the Text in a Box
- Malfunctioning of the Animation Back On Scroll property for the Animation On Scroll
- Malfunctioning of the Fill property for the Filter of the Image Gallery Element
- Malfunctioning of the duplicating the Line with the ALT key
- Malfunctioning of the Rotate operation in the Grid Repeater Items
- WordPress: Invalid Old Price for the Product List Element on some user websites
- WordPress: Invalid Text formatting after the import on some user websites
- WordPress: Invalid Colors changed in the Theme Settings with the Plugin on some user websites
- WordPress: Invalid removal of several items while deleting one
- WordPress: Invalid display of the Post Count on the Product List Template on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the third language added with the Plugin on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Add To Cart operation after the update on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Calendar Plugin on some user websites
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the Editor Extension launch on some user websites
Block and Page Designs
We have created new block and page designs up to this update.
## What's New in This Update?
- Shopping Cart for Nicepage E-Commerce
- Shopping Cart Icon In Header
- Add Product To Cart For Product Button
- Shopping Cart Product Quantity
- Open Shopping Cart List
- Keep Products After Page Refresh
- Updated Product Changes
- Change Products In Shopping Cart
- Pay For Products With PayPal
- Pay For Products With Stripe
- Shopping Cart After Successful Payment
- Multiple Products In Order History
- Sorting And Pagination For Nicepage Products
- Show Sorting On Product List
- Show Pagination On Product List
- Change Sorting On Live Store
- Contact Form
- Form Field Properties Reworked
- New Block And Page Designs
## Shopping Cart for Nicepage E-Commerce
We continue working on E-Commerce features and present the **Shopping Cart** for Nicepage E-Commerce.
The Shopping Cart is available for the Premium plans starting from Business.
### Shopping Cart Icon In Header
Add the Shopping Cart Icon to the Header to enable the Shopping Cart feature on your E-Commerce websites. Previously, it worked only for WordPress WooCommerce and Joomla VirtueMart.
### Add Product To Cart For Product Button
We have added the Add Product To Cart property for the Product List Page Template and Product Element, so your customers can click the Button to add a Product to the Shopping Cart.
### Shopping Cart Product Quantity
After publishing and clicking the Add To Cart Button for a Product on the live website, your customers will see the number of Products added to the Cart on the Shopping Icon in the Header.
### Open Shopping Cart List
Clicking on the Shopping Cart Icon in the Header opens the Payment Popup containing the list of the Products added to the Cart and Payment Buttons.
### Keep Products After Page Refresh
If a user refreshes a page with Products in the current browser, the Products in the Shopping Cart will be retained.
If you change the Price for a Product and this Product is in the Shopping Cart after republishing, the Price for this Product will be updated.
## Change Products In Shopping Cart
In the Payment Popup, your customer can change the Product Quantity, remove Products, and choose the Payment System.
### Pay For Products With PayPal
If you select PayPal and click on the Payment Popup, your customers will see the Total sum from the Payment Popup on the PayPal website.
### Pay For Products With Stripe
For Stripe, your customer will see the Products, their Quantities, Prices, and Total from the Payment Popup on the Stripe website.
### Shopping Cart After Successful Payment
After the successful payment, the Products are removed from the Shopping Cart.
## Multiple Products In Order History
If your customer pays for several products, you will see those Products on the Orders page in the Profile on the Nicepage website.
You can also open this page from email with order confirmations.
## Sorting And Pagination For Nicepage Products
You can now enable the Sorting and Pagination for the Product List Page Template and Product List Element with the Nicepage Source.
The Sorting and Pagination work together and are supported for HTML, WordPress, and Joomla E-Commerce websites.
### Show Sorting On Product List
You can enable and stylize the Sorting in the Property Panel for the selected Product List Element on a page or the Product List Page Template.
### Show Pagination On Product List
You can also enable and stylize the Pagination for the Product List Element on a page and the page template.
### Change Sorting On Live Store
Your customers can now change the Sorting for a Product List on your live E-Commerce websites made with Nicepage.
## Contact Form
### Form Field Properties Reworked
Our usability tests showed that Contact Form properties needed improvements. We have modified the properties for the Contact Form Filed in the Property Panel.
## Fixed Issues
- Invalid height of the Sidebar for narrow Elements
- Invalid Category Name after the rename operation for the Image Gallery Element
- Invalid alignment of the Vertical Line in the Grid Cell
- Invalid Width of the Text Elements after converting the Multiselection to a Box
- Invalid height and positioning of the Slider Element after changing the Width in percentage
- Invalid positioning of the Multiselection on move with the keys in the Responsive Modes
- Invalid Width of the Label in the Contact Form Element on some user projects
- Invalid position of the Image and Shape Element in a Grid Cell after resizing
- Invalid thumbnails for the Gallery Thumbnails Layout after reordering
- Invalid styling of the Menu Items after switching to the Mega Menu layout
- Invalid display of the Image Names auto-generated while importing
- Invalid display of the Icon for the Grid Repeater Spacing property
- Invalid display of the Reszie Marker for the Text Element
- Invalid display of the Language Element after the removal
- Invalid display of the pages with the special symbols in the page names on some user websites
- Invalid Border after applying a Button Style to the Hyperlink Element
- Invalid Border for the Animation on Hover property for the Hyperlink Element after the publish
- Invalid position of the Box Element after overlapping and moving Elements
- Invalid option to duplicate the Product List Element in the Element Options in the Editor
- Invalid display of the Horizontal Scroll in the Responsive Modes on some user websites
- Malfunctioning of pasting Text copied from websites
- Malfunctioning of project export from the Desktop Application for some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Google Maps Element in the Desktop Application in some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Application after updating on some user computers
- Malfunctioning of the Delete operation for the Text in a Box
- Malfunctioning of the Animation Back On Scroll property for the Animation On Scroll
- Malfunctioning of the Fill property for the Filter of the Image Gallery Element
- Malfunctioning of the duplicating the Line with the ALT key
- Malfunctioning of the Rotate operation in the Grid Repeater Items
- WordPress: Invalid Old Price for the Product List Element on some user websites
- WordPress: Invalid Text formatting after the import on some user websites
- WordPress: Invalid Colors changed in the Theme Settings with the Plugin on some user websites
- WordPress: Invalid removal of several items while deleting one
- WordPress: Invalid display of the Post Count on the Product List Template on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the third language added with the Plugin on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Add To Cart operation after the update on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Calendar Plugin on some user websites
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the Editor Extension launch on some user websites
## Block and Page Designs
We have created [new block and page designs](https://nicepage.com/html-templates) up to this update.