This video provides a Quick Overview of the main Web Elements, which you can add from the Add Panel. You can add elements by clicking, dragging, and pressing the hotkeys. Each Element has a Documentation Article, which you can access by clicking the How To Use link at the bottom.
Each Element Section consists of the Element, its layouts, Block Presets, and Designs. Elements at the top are added with the default settings. Further, you can add Block Presets used as wireframes or ready-made designs, which you can customize for your websites.
Let’s briefly review the Elements in the Add Panel. We will start with Text, one of the basic Website Elements used to fill a website's content. Headings are important for visual presentation and typography.
Also, search engines prefer headings, which are treated as keywords that help improve SEO and website ranking. The more detailed information is presented in a separate video dedicated to each Element.
Rich Text
Suppose you have a page-volume text with several paragraphs, subtitles, and images. You can add this text as separate Elements or edit this whole text in the Rich Text Element like in any word processor with text wrapping over Images.
Button And Hyperlink
Buttons and hyperlinks are the main navigation and action elements of any website. They can direct messages and websites or trigger actions such as downloading files, opening modal popups, calling, subscribing, purchasing, etc.
The Image allows you to add illustrations to your pages. You can insert images by adding this Element from the Add Panel or dragging it from the desktop or folder.
You can search millions of images in the Libraries.
Icons are small illustrations of ideas as simplified pictures. You can begin with a popular style like Colored, Fill, Linear, Background, or Border. You can select from millions of various icons.
You can also use Shapes in web design. You can select from Basic, Thematic, Texture, and Plymorthic shapes or add Lines.
The Box is a container for other Elements. It helps you organize Elements on the layout, manage them as a single unit, and move and stylize them with a common border or background.
Using the Box is a good practice for making mobile-friendly websites.
Grid And Grid Repeater
Grid and Grid Repeater help you organize the content in Columns and Rows. The Columns automatically adjust content for Mobile Devices.
Unlike the Grid, the Grid Repeater stylizes the Elements in Cells similarly - repeats layout and style, speeding up your work, as you do not need to edit each Column.
When you edit inner Elements in one Column, the same Elements in other Columns automatically get the same style.
The Grid and Grid Repeater is automatically mobile-friendly as Columns move one below another on smaller screens.
Image Gallery
The Image Gallery Element displays several images as a single Element, and there is no need to organize separate images. You can also use Filters and Image Captions.
The Slider is a popular layout that allows you to display Elements as sliding cards. There are two types of sliders, two separate sections on the Add Panel.
The large full-width Block Slider is often used as the first Block with the hero image. The smaller Slider Element is used inside a Block to present testimonials.
Contact Form
The contact form is the main element for communicating with website visitors and collecting leads. You can create simple or more complex contact forms with multiple steps, calculations, and dependencies.
Collecting leads has never been easier. Add a Contact Form, get notifications to your email, and see the lead history on your account. Additionally, you can add more emails and submit them to Google Sheets and Chipmunk lists.
Modal Popup
Modal Popups allow you to communicate with your visitors while keeping them on the same page. This Element often displays forms and offers. Modal Popups are not just elements but separate objects presented as a list in the Modal Popups Panel on the Quick Access Pane.
To open the Modal Popup, you need to add a Button and link it to one of the Modal Popups. You can use the same Modal Popup on different pages.
This video provides a Quick Overview of the main Web Elements, which you can add from the Add Panel. You can add elements by clicking, dragging, and pressing the hotkeys. Each Element has a Documentation Article, which you can access by clicking the How To Use link at the bottom.
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Each Element Section consists of the Element, its layouts, Block Presets, and Designs. Elements at the top are added with the default settings. Further, you can add Block Presets used as wireframes or ready-made designs, which you can customize for your websites.
## Text
Let’s briefly review the Elements in the Add Panel. We will start with Text, one of the basic Website Elements used to fill a website's content. Headings are important for visual presentation and typography.
Also, search engines prefer headings, which are treated as keywords that help improve SEO and website ranking. The more detailed information is presented in a separate video dedicated to each Element.
### Rich Text
Suppose you have a page-volume text with several paragraphs, subtitles, and images. You can add this text as separate Elements or edit this whole text in the Rich Text Element like in any word processor with text wrapping over Images.
## Button And Hyperlink
Buttons and hyperlinks are the main navigation and action elements of any website. They can direct messages and websites or trigger actions such as downloading files, opening modal popups, calling, subscribing, purchasing, etc.
## Image
The Image allows you to add illustrations to your pages. You can insert images by adding this Element from the Add Panel or dragging it from the desktop or folder.
You can search millions of images in the Libraries.
## Icon
Icons are small illustrations of ideas as simplified pictures. You can begin with a popular style like Colored, Fill, Linear, Background, or Border. You can select from millions of various icons.
## Shape
You can also use Shapes in web design. You can select from Basic, Thematic, Texture, and Plymorthic shapes or add Lines.
## Box
The Box is a container for other Elements. It helps you organize Elements on the layout, manage them as a single unit, and move and stylize them with a common border or background.
Using the Box is a good practice for making mobile-friendly websites.
## Grid And Grid Repeater
Grid and Grid Repeater help you organize the content in Columns and Rows. The Columns automatically adjust content for Mobile Devices.
Unlike the Grid, the Grid Repeater stylizes the Elements in Cells similarly - repeats layout and style, speeding up your work, as you do not need to edit each Column.
When you edit inner Elements in one Column, the same Elements in other Columns automatically get the same style.
The Grid and Grid Repeater is automatically mobile-friendly as Columns move one below another on smaller screens.
Image Gallery
The Image Gallery Element displays several images as a single Element, and there is no need to organize separate images. You can also use Filters and Image Captions.
## Sliders
The Slider is a popular layout that allows you to display Elements as sliding cards. There are two types of sliders, two separate sections on the Add Panel.
The large full-width Block Slider is often used as the first Block with the hero image. The smaller Slider Element is used inside a Block to present testimonials.
## Contact Form
The contact form is the main element for communicating with website visitors and collecting leads. You can create simple or more complex contact forms with multiple steps, calculations, and dependencies.
Collecting leads has never been easier. Add a Contact Form, get notifications to your email, and see the lead history on your account. Additionally, you can add more emails and submit them to Google Sheets and Chipmunk lists.
## Modal Popup
Modal Popups allow you to communicate with your visitors while keeping them on the same page. This Element often displays forms and offers. Modal Popups are not just elements but separate objects presented as a list in the Modal Popups Panel on the Quick Access Pane.
To open the Modal Popup, you need to add a Button and link it to one of the Modal Popups. You can use the same Modal Popup on different pages.
## Related Article
[Quick Access Pane](page:187967)