reducing spacing on left and right in blocks

1 Posts
richard264 posted this 07 October 2020
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Can we set custom width to the blocks or pages according to the screen or device size? At the moment we are finding that there is too much padding on the right and left of blocks when inserted into a theme template

For example, you can see the problem we are having on where there is too much space to the right and to the left of the texts in the grey box. We want to reduce these gaps.

Can we set custom width to the blocks or pages according to the screen or device size? At the moment we are finding that there is too much padding on the right and left of blocks when inserted into a theme template For example, you can see the problem we are having on where there is too much space to the right and to the left of the texts in the grey box. We want to reduce these gaps.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 07 October 2020


Unfortunately, the sheet width cannot be changed. The values are standard for all responsive modes and the widths of the theme containers. It helps to avoid various problems related to differences in widths.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Unfortunately, the sheet width cannot be changed. The values are standard for all responsive modes and the widths of the theme containers. It helps to avoid various problems related to differences in widths. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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