Something is wrong with the zoom bar adjusment while working

348 Posts
LGALLP posted this 26 August 2020
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Hi, Nicepage Team! Wishing you a good day.

I´ve been working in a video tutorial (wich I´ll let you see to get what I´m talking about when I finish editing) about how to add HTML pagination into Nicepage and suddenly I noticed that I was repeatedly in the need of adjusting the zoom of the view to the 100 % again and again because it automatically reduces the page size view every time I go from one page to another, and let me say that it gets quite annoying.

Hope you can fix that and the zoom view only changes when the user "use the zoom slider".

Thank you for your time and all your work, guys.

Hi, Nicepage Team! Wishing you a good day. I´ve been working in a video tutorial (wich I´ll let you see to get what I´m talking about when I finish editing) about how to add HTML pagination into Nicepage and suddenly I noticed that I was repeatedly in the need of adjusting the zoom of the view to the 100 % again and again because it automatically reduces the page size view every time I go from one page to another, and let me say that it gets quite annoying. Hope you can fix that and the zoom view only changes when the user "use the zoom slider". Thank you for your time and all your work, guys.

Last edited 26 August 2020 by LGALLP

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 August 2020


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Nicepage Support Team

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Luis, Thank you we have added your request to our wish list. Thank you! ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
348 Posts
LGALLP posted this 27 August 2020

Thank you! Have a nice day.

Thank you! Have a nice day.
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