blocks not good when exported

4 Posts
afilmbymalwilliamson posted this 26 August 2020
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Hi - text blocks arranged on the page fine. Then exported and some of them go super-narrow and the whole cell gets stretched and the image becomes too big etc. What is going on. Cannot figure it at all. Let alone the whole backwards and forwards for the phone version???

Hi - text blocks arranged on the page fine. Then exported and some of them go super-narrow and the whole cell gets stretched and the image becomes too big etc. What is going on. Cannot figure it at all. Let alone the whole backwards and forwards for the phone version???
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4 Replies
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4 Posts
afilmbymalwilliamson posted this 26 August 2020

Blockquotes actually finding videos about all these blockquotes and cells etc. Will it work if I get it right though?

Blockquotes actually finding videos about all these blockquotes and cells etc. Will it work if I get it right though?
124 Posts
shane53 posted this 27 August 2020

Are you exporting static pages or into a CMS such as Joomla/ Wordpress?

Are you exporting static pages or into a CMS such as Joomla/ Wordpress?

Last edited 27 August 2020 by shane53

4 Posts
afilmbymalwilliamson posted this 27 August 2020

Thansk - a CMS - DashNex. Exporting straight to HTML then opening in local browser - works fine. When onto DashNex it goes wrong

Thansk - a CMS - DashNex. Exporting straight to HTML then opening in local browser - works fine. When onto DashNex it goes wrong
Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 August 2020

Hi Mal,

Nicepage exports standard HTML sites that can be edited in any HTML Editor. But we cannot guarantee that our pages will be displayed correctly in unsupported CMS or visual HTML Editors.

Susanna I.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Mal, Nicepage exports standard HTML sites that can be edited in any HTML Editor. But we cannot guarantee that our pages will be displayed correctly in unsupported CMS or visual HTML Editors. ................................................... Sincerely, Susanna I. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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