Space before and after paragraphs

Alan Henness
155 Posts
Alan Henness posted this 25 August 2020

I know I can add space before and after in Headings &Text, but this seems to only apply to that whole text element (and even then it can be 'overwritten' by moving the text element - this makes consistent (ie between paragraphs inside one element and with other text elements), accurate and typographically pleasing paragraph layout tedious).

But within a text element, there seems no way to add space before and/or after a paragraph to space paragraphs. I can add a blank line, but that does not give very good control over the spacing (unless I individually adjust the font size for that one paragraph). Alternatively, I can make each paragraph a separate text element, but that also is tedious, particularly for short paragraphs and inevitably ends up with varying spacing unless great care is taken.

Artisteer provided this control (although I appreciate it was not a page-builder type application) - see attached.

Can this be added to Nicepage?

I can see that paragraphs within a text element are separated by a <br> and not individual <p> tags. Is that the root of the problem?

I know I can add space before and after in Headings &Text, but this seems to only apply to that whole text element (and even then it can be 'overwritten' by moving the text element - this makes consistent (ie between paragraphs inside one element and with other text elements), accurate and typographically pleasing paragraph layout tedious). But within a text element, there seems no way to add space before and/or after a paragraph to space paragraphs. I can add a blank line, but that does not give very good control over the spacing (unless I individually adjust the font size for that one paragraph). Alternatively, I can make each paragraph a separate text element, but that also is tedious, particularly for short paragraphs and inevitably ends up with varying spacing unless great care is taken. Artisteer provided this control (although I appreciate it was not a page-builder type application) - see attached. Can this be added to Nicepage? I can see that paragraphs within a text element are separated by a &lt;br&gt; and not individual &lt;p&gt; tags. Is that the root of the problem?
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9 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 August 2020


Please drag elements freely, leaving as much space as neede, for exact numbers you can use the spacing icon between elements.


Thank you!
Nicepage Support Team

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Alan, Please drag elements freely, leaving as much space as neede, for exact numbers you can use the spacing icon between elements. !spacing.png! Thank you! ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
Alan Henness
155 Posts
Alan Henness posted this 26 August 2020

Yes, I know, but that wasn't my question. My question was about paragraph spacing within a text element.

I am also aware that each paragraph could be inside their own text element, but again, these are time-consuming to create and aligh, particularly when there are many paragraphs. Even Gutenberg, when Return is entered, will start a (correctly spaced) new block.

Yes, I know, but that wasn't my question. My question was about paragraph spacing *within* a text element. I am also aware that each paragraph could be inside their own text element, but again, these are time-consuming to create and aligh, particularly when there are many paragraphs. Even Gutenberg, when Return is entered, will start a (correctly spaced) new block.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 August 2020


We do not have that yet. We have added it to our wish list.

Thank you!
Nicepage Support Team

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Alan, We do not have that yet. We have added it to our wish list. Thank you! ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
Alan Henness
155 Posts
Alan Henness posted this 26 August 2020


9 Posts
derk.devries posted this 25 August 2022

Hi, is this currently already possible? I have a text block that contains several paragraphs. I can add an emty line, but it wouold be more easy when giving a hard return to the next paragraph I can configure the spacing between the paragraphs.

Or if there is a different way to achieve this I would like to learn how to do so. :-)

Kind regards,

Hi, is this currently already possible? I have a text block that contains several paragraphs. I can add an emty line, but it wouold be more easy when giving a hard return to the next paragraph I can configure the spacing between the paragraphs. Or if there is a different way to achieve this I would like to learn how to do so. :-) Kind regards, Derk
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 August 2022


It is possible between the separate elements. If you use the Rich Text Element then you need to add empty lines with enters.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Derk, It is possible between the separate elements. If you use the Rich Text Element then you need to add empty lines with enters. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
9 Posts
derk.devries posted this 29 August 2022

ok, thanks. It would help though if I am working in a regular text block a hard return (carriage return) has the option to generate a new paragraph, with some extra line spacing in it.

ok, thanks. It would help though if I am working in a regular text block a hard return (carriage return) has the option to generate a new paragraph, with some extra line spacing in it.
8 Posts
cs10982 posted this 23 September 2023

Yess Please Nicepage we need that feature like in all the text apps: I would like to decide which space after a paragraph. Today it looks really ugly - I tried different things buts nothing works elegant ...
Much Love !!!

Yess Please Nicepage we need that feature like in all the text apps: I would like to decide which space after a paragraph. Today it looks really ugly - I tried different things buts nothing works elegant ... Much Love !!!
Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 September 2023

Hello cs10982 ,

Thanks for using Nicepage!

Please create a new Separate Case and ask your question in there.
For better understanding and clarification maybe we will need your private details, project details, credentials, etc.

We may need that case to be private. We will try our best to help you.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello cs10982 , Thanks for using Nicepage! Please create a new Separate Case and ask your question in there. For better understanding and clarification maybe we will need your private details, project details, credentials, etc. We may need that case to be private. We will try our best to help you. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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