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New Tabs - How show a specific tab by script.

3 Posts
arno_k_lotus posted this 06 July 2020
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How to recall a tab using script?

For example, I want to link [Search] input in the header to a specific tab where results will be displayed.

I cannot find which property or attribute needs to be used to swap tabs.

In a previous design made with jqueryUI I use this code
var $tabs = $('#tabsp').tabs(); // first tab selected
$tabs.tabs('option', 'active', 2); // switch to third tab

Thanks for your help.

How to recall a tab using script? For example, I want to link [Search] input in the header to a specific tab where results will be displayed. I cannot find which property or attribute needs to be used to swap tabs. In a previous design made with jqueryUI I use this code var $tabs = $('#tabsp').tabs(); // first tab selected $tabs.tabs('option', 'active', 2); // switch to third tab Thanks for your help.
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6 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 July 2020


We are sorry for the delayed answer.
Here is the code which you can use to change the active tab:

var tabsControl = new TabsControl(neededTabEl); // neededTabEl - tabDom(.u-tab-item) which you need to activate;


Nicepage Support Team

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Arno, We are sorry for the delayed answer. Here is the code which you can use to change the active tab: <code> var tabsControl = new TabsControl(neededTabEl); // neededTabEl - tabDom(.u-tab-item) which you need to activate; </code> ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
3 Posts
arno68 posted this 20 April 2021

Hello, I cannot make this code working.
Can tell me where I'm wrong?

Extract from my page :
<script ---
--- var neededTabE1 = "#link-tab-9a34";

          var tabsControl = new TabsControl(neededTabE1); 

--- /script>

                <li class="u-tab-item u-tab-item-3" role="presentation">
                  <a class="u-active-palette-1-base u-border-2 u-border-palette-4-base u-button-style u-custom-font u-heading-font u-palette-2-base u-tab-link u-text-active-palette-4-base u-tab-link-3" id="tab-9a34" href="#link-tab-9a34" role="tab" aria-controls="link-tab-9a34" aria-selected="false">Coupon Réponse</a>
              <div class="u-tab-content">
                  <div class="u-container-style u-tab-pane" id="link-tab-9a34" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-9a34">

Error message from console
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

at TabsControl._getLink (nicepage.js:31)
at new TabsControl (nicepage.js:31)
at Object.AfficheFiche [as success] (Dieppe-Normandie.php:159)
at c (jquery.js:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:2)
at l (jquery.js:2)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.js:2)

Thanks for your help

Hello, I cannot make this code working. Can tell me where I&#39;m wrong? Extract from my page : &lt;script --- --- var neededTabE1 = &quot;#link-tab-9a34&quot;; var tabsControl = new TabsControl(neededTabE1);; --- /script> <ul> <li class="u-tab-item u-tab-item-3" role="presentation"> <a class="u-active-palette-1-base u-border-2 u-border-palette-4-base u-button-style u-custom-font u-heading-font u-palette-2-base u-tab-link u-text-active-palette-4-base u-tab-link-3" id="tab-9a34" href="#link-tab-9a34" role="tab" aria-controls="link-tab-9a34" aria-selected="false">Coupon Réponse</a> </li> </ul> <div class="u-tab-content"> <div class="u-container-style u-tab-pane" id="link-tab-9a34" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-9a34"> Error message from console Uncaught TypeError: is not a function at TabsControl._getLink (nicepage.js:31) at new TabsControl (nicepage.js:31) at Object.AfficheFiche [as success] (Dieppe-Normandie.php:159) at c (jquery.js:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:2) at l (jquery.js:2) at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.js:2) Thanks for your help
2 Posts
kbosnar posted this 27 April 2021

Dear all I have a sane problem
This is my code
<div class>

      <ul class="u-tab-list u-unstyled" role="tablist">
        <li class="u-tab-item" role="presentation" >
          <a class="active u-active-white u-border-2 u-border-active-palette-2-base u-border-grey-15 u-border-hover-grey-15 u-border-no-bottom u-border-no-left u-border-no-right u-button-style u-grey-15 u-hover-grey-15 u-tab-link u-tab-link-1" id="link-tab-c9ac" href="#tab-c9ac" role="tab" aria-controls="tab-c9ac" aria-selected="true"><span class="u-icon"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" xml:space="preserve" class="u-svg-content" viewBox="0 -1 401.52289 401" style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"><path d="m370.589844 250.972656c-5.523438 0-10 4.476563-10 10v88.789063c-.019532 16.5625-13.4375 29.984375-30 30h-280.589844c-16.5625-.015625-29.980469-13.4375-30-30v-260.589844c.019531-16.558594 13.4375-29.980469 30-30h88.789062c5.523438 0 10-4.476563 10-10 0-5.519531-4.476562-10-10-10h-88.789062c-27.601562.03125-49.96875 22.398437-50 50v260.59375c.03125 27.601563 22.398438 49.96875 50 50h280.589844c27.601562-.03125 49.96875-22.398437 50-50v-88.792969c0-5.523437-4.476563-10-10-10zm0 0"></path><path d="m376.628906 13.441406c-17.574218-17.574218-46.066406-17.574218-63.640625 0l-178.40625 178.40625c-1.222656 1.222656-2.105469 2.738282-2.566406 4.402344l-23.460937 84.699219c-.964844 3.472656.015624 7.191406 2.5625 9.742187 2.550781 2.546875 6.269531 3.527344 9.742187 2.566406l84.699219-23.464843c1.664062-.460938 3.179687-1.34375 4.402344-2.566407l178.402343-178.410156c17.546875-17.585937 17.546875-46.054687 0-63.640625zm-220.257812 184.90625 146.011718-146.015625 47.089844 47.089844-146.015625 146.015625zm-9.40625 18.875 37.621094 37.625-52.039063 14.417969zm227.257812-142.546875-10.605468 10.605469-47.09375-47.09375 10.609374-10.605469c9.761719-9.761719 25.589844-9.761719 35.351563 0l11.738281 11.734375c9.746094 9.773438 9.746094 25.589844 0 35.359375zm0 0"></path></svg><img></span>

        <li class="u-tab-item" role="presentation">
          <a class="u-active-white u-border-2 u-border-active-palette-2-base u-border-grey-15 u-border-hover-grey-15 u-border-no-bottom u-border-no-left u-border-no-right u-button-style u-grey-15 u-hover-grey-15 u-tab-link u-tab-link-3" id="link-tab-0ee8" href="#tab-0ee8" role="tab" aria-controls="tab-0ee8" aria-selected="false"><span class="u-icon"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" xml:space="preserve" class="u-svg-content" viewBox="0 0 373.232 373.232" x="0px" y="0px" style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"><g><g><path d="M187.466,0c-0.1,0.1-0.3,0.1-0.6,0.1c-101.2,0-183.5,82.3-183.5,183.5c0,41.3,14.1,81.4,39.9,113.7l-26.7,62    c-2.2,5.1,0.2,11,5.2,13.1c1.8,0.8,3.8,1,5.7,0.7l97.9-17.2c19.6,7.1,40.2,10.7,61,10.6c101.2,0,183.5-82.3,183.5-183.5    C370.066,82.1,288.366,0.1,187.466,0z M186.466,346.6c-19.3,0-38.4-3.5-56.5-10.3c-1.7-0.7-3.5-0.8-5.3-0.5l-82.4,14.4l21.8-50.7    c1.5-3.5,0.9-7.6-1.6-10.5c-11.8-13.7-21.2-29.3-27.8-46.2c-7.4-18.9-11.2-39-11.2-59.3c0-90.2,73.4-163.5,163.5-163.5    c89.9-0.2,162.9,72.5,163,162.4c0,0.2,0,0.4,0,0.6C349.966,273.3,276.566,346.6,186.466,346.6z"></path>

<g><g><path d></path>
</g><g><g><path d></path>
</g><img> License details


And this is JavaScript code
var tabsControl = new TabsControl("tab-0ee8"); // neededTabEl - tabDom(.u-tab-item) which you need to activate;

And this is a error
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

at TabsControl._getLink (nicepage.js:40)
at new TabsControl (nicepage.js:36)
at deta (suci.html?id=324:381)
at HTMLInputElement.onclick (suci.html?id=324:1)

PLease advice, cose this is crucial part of my aplication
Thanks in advance

Dear all I have a sane problem This is my code &lt;div class&gt; <ul class="u-tab-list u-unstyled" role="tablist"> <li class="u-tab-item" role="presentation" > <a class="active u-active-white u-border-2 u-border-active-palette-2-base u-border-grey-15 u-border-hover-grey-15 u-border-no-bottom u-border-no-left u-border-no-right u-button-style u-grey-15 u-hover-grey-15 u-tab-link u-tab-link-1" id="link-tab-c9ac" href="#tab-c9ac" role="tab" aria-controls="tab-c9ac" aria-selected="true"><span class="u-icon"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" xml:space="preserve" class="u-svg-content" viewBox="0 -1 401.52289 401" style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"><path d="m370.589844 250.972656c-5.523438 0-10 4.476563-10 10v88.789063c-.019532 16.5625-13.4375 29.984375-30 30h-280.589844c-16.5625-.015625-29.980469-13.4375-30-30v-260.589844c.019531-16.558594 13.4375-29.980469 30-30h88.789062c5.523438 0 10-4.476563 10-10 0-5.519531-4.476562-10-10-10h-88.789062c-27.601562.03125-49.96875 22.398437-50 50v260.59375c.03125 27.601563 22.398438 49.96875 50 50h280.589844c27.601562-.03125 49.96875-22.398437 50-50v-88.792969c0-5.523437-4.476563-10-10-10zm0 0"></path><path d="m376.628906 13.441406c-17.574218-17.574218-46.066406-17.574218-63.640625 0l-178.40625 178.40625c-1.222656 1.222656-2.105469 2.738282-2.566406 4.402344l-23.460937 84.699219c-.964844 3.472656.015624 7.191406 2.5625 9.742187 2.550781 2.546875 6.269531 3.527344 9.742187 2.566406l84.699219-23.464843c1.664062-.460938 3.179687-1.34375 4.402344-2.566407l178.402343-178.410156c17.546875-17.585937 17.546875-46.054687 0-63.640625zm-220.257812 184.90625 146.011718-146.015625 47.089844 47.089844-146.015625 146.015625zm-9.40625 18.875 37.621094 37.625-52.039063 14.417969zm227.257812-142.546875-10.605468 10.605469-47.09375-47.09375 10.609374-10.605469c9.761719-9.761719 25.589844-9.761719 35.351563 0l11.738281 11.734375c9.746094 9.773438 9.746094 25.589844 0 35.359375zm0 0"></path></svg><img></span> &nbsp;Officials </a> </li> <li class="u-tab-item" role="presentation"> <a class="u-active-white u-border-2 u-border-active-palette-2-base u-border-grey-15 u-border-hover-grey-15 u-border-no-bottom u-border-no-left u-border-no-right u-button-style u-grey-15 u-hover-grey-15 u-tab-link u-tab-link-3" id="link-tab-0ee8" href="#tab-0ee8" role="tab" aria-controls="tab-0ee8" aria-selected="false"><span class="u-icon"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" xml:space="preserve" class="u-svg-content" viewBox="0 0 373.232 373.232" x="0px" y="0px" style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"><g><g><path d="M187.466,0c-0.1,0.1-0.3,0.1-0.6,0.1c-101.2,0-183.5,82.3-183.5,183.5c0,41.3,14.1,81.4,39.9,113.7l-26.7,62 c-2.2,5.1,0.2,11,5.2,13.1c1.8,0.8,3.8,1,5.7,0.7l97.9-17.2c19.6,7.1,40.2,10.7,61,10.6c101.2,0,183.5-82.3,183.5-183.5 C370.066,82.1,288.366,0.1,187.466,0z M186.466,346.6c-19.3,0-38.4-3.5-56.5-10.3c-1.7-0.7-3.5-0.8-5.3-0.5l-82.4,14.4l21.8-50.7 c1.5-3.5,0.9-7.6-1.6-10.5c-11.8-13.7-21.2-29.3-27.8-46.2c-7.4-18.9-11.2-39-11.2-59.3c0-90.2,73.4-163.5,163.5-163.5 c89.9-0.2,162.9,72.5,163,162.4c0,0.2,0,0.4,0,0.6C349.966,273.3,276.566,346.6,186.466,346.6z"></path> &lt;g&gt;&lt;g&gt;&lt;path d&gt;&lt;/path&gt; &lt;/g&gt; &lt;/g&gt;&lt;g&gt;&lt;g&gt;&lt;path d&gt;&lt;/path&gt; &lt;/g&gt; &lt;/g&gt;&lt;img&gt;&nbsp;License details </a> </li> </ul> And this is JavaScript code var tabsControl = new TabsControl("tab-0ee8"); // neededTabEl - tabDom(.u-tab-item) which you need to activate; And this is a error Uncaught TypeError: is not a function at TabsControl._getLink (nicepage.js:40) at new TabsControl (nicepage.js:36) at deta (suci.html?id=324:381) at HTMLInputElement.onclick (suci.html?id=324:1) PLease advice, cose this is crucial part of my aplication Thanks in advance
2 Posts
kbosnar posted this 08 May 2021

Any answer please .
Negative answer also is answer.
I have to know how continue development.

Any answer please . Negative answer also is answer. I have to know how continue development. BR
3 Posts
arno68 posted this 24 May 2021

Is there a chance that one day we could have an answer about this issue?

Is there a chance that one day we could have an answer about this issue?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 May 2021


Please try the following code:

var tabsControl = new TabsControl($(neededTabE1));;

Susanna I.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Please try the following code: <code> var tabsControl = new TabsControl($(neededTabE1));; </code> ................................................... Sincerely, Susanna I. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 26 May 2021 by Support Team

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