Can't change slug or url of page

3 Posts
orehov6674 posted this 26 June 2020
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May add option for change the Slug? becuse cirilic letters see on slug or url is not good paractice.

May add option for change the Slug? becuse cirilic letters see on slug or url is not good paractice.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 June 2020

Hi Aleksey,

Please let me know what type of site you are creating? Is tat WP, Joomla site or simple HTML?

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Aleksey, Please let me know what type of site you are creating? Is tat WP, Joomla site or simple HTML? ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
3 Posts
orehov6674 posted this 27 June 2020

Simple HTML

Simple HTML
37 Posts
christiaanbekkerartist posted this 24 May 2021

Any updates on the slug issue in the simple html?

Any updates on the slug issue in the simple html?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 May 2021


Nicepage uses the page name to generate the file name used in URLs. We recommend that you set up the page name with Latin characters without special characters. Please note that the Page title and menu items title can be changed individually. The page name is used to generate filenames only.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Nicepage uses the page name to generate the file name used in URLs. We recommend that you set up the page name with Latin characters without special characters. Please note that the Page title and menu items title can be changed individually. The page name is used to generate filenames only. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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