contact form not generating data to email

6 Posts
alphatoomega.cs posted this 09 June 2020
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I have the latest version of Nicepage and am having trouble getting it to work.
The form says the email has been sent but no results are sent to my email address. I used the send using PHP script. How do I get the form to work properly? I need an answer asap since people are already visiting the page and we want to collect this valuable data/

I have the latest version of Nicepage and am having trouble getting it to work. The form says the email has been sent but no results are sent to my email address. I used the send using PHP script. How do I get the form to work properly? I need an answer asap since people are already visiting the page and we want to collect this valuable data/
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 June 2020

Hello Jessie,

You can consult . If it doesn't help could you please send us your project, your script (in case if you use own script) or just give us access to your hosting.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Jessie, You can consult . If it doesn't help could you please send us your project, your script (in case if you use own script) or just give us access to your hosting. ................................................... Sincerely, Borys Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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