Do you also have article workflow for joomla

3 Posts
zafrullakhan001 posted this 29 April 2020

Do you also have plugin for article workflow for Joomla? like
Author -> (Email) ->Editor -> (Email) -> Publisher

Do you also have plugin for article workflow for Joomla? like Author -> (Email) ->Editor -> (Email) -> Publisher
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 April 2020


Unfortunately, article metadata is not available for Nicepage pages, but it is available for the regular Joomla articles when the Nicepage theme is used. You can enable metadata under the Post or Blog Template >> Element >> Blog Template.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Unfortunately, article metadata is not available for Nicepage pages, but it is available for the regular Joomla articles when the Nicepage theme is used. You can enable metadata under the Post or Blog Template >> Element >> Blog Template. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
363 Posts
Ch3vr0n posted this 30 April 2020

It's available just fine but requires a third party extension like "PWT SEO"

Works perfectly on my joomla sites, it can analyze and set meta data just fine on nicepage pages.

It's available just fine but requires a third party extension like "PWT SEO" Works perfectly on my joomla sites, it can analyze and set meta data just fine on nicepage pages.
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