My concern is related to two existing topics - and

I want images on my page to have titles and/or captions, which will make them more searchable, SEO-friendly, and potentially add on-hover events without coding (like tooltips). This is a very common approach to images on a page. In post #41037, you mentioned using a hypertext link and adding title to the picture's link. Using Windows Desktop Nicepage, I do not see an element called Picture (only Image) and if I add hypertext link to the image I do not see an option for a title when I edit the hypertext.

My concern is related to two existing topics - and I want images on my page to have titles and/or captions, which will make them more searchable, SEO-friendly, and potentially add on-hover events without coding (like tooltips). This is a very common approach to images on a page. In post #41037, you mentioned using a hypertext link and adding title to the picture's link. Using Windows Desktop Nicepage, I do not see an element called Picture (only Image) and if I add hypertext link to the image I do not see an option for a title when I edit the hypertext.

Last edited 28 December 2020 by Alexs