Images dissapeared

1 Posts
benjmears posted this 20 August 2024
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On nicepage version 6.15.2 and all my images have dissapeared from my site. Most are WEBP but some are also JPG.

How can I get them all back?


Hi, On nicepage version 6.15.2 and all my images have dissapeared from my site. Most are WEBP but some are also JPG. How can I get them all back? Ben
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 August 2024

Hi Ben,

We are sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with your images disappearing from your site. To help resolve this issue, we’ll need a bit more information about the problem. Could you please provide the following details?

  1. Site Details:

    • Which specific pages or sections of your site are affected?
    • Are all images missing or just certain ones?
  2. Image Uploads:

    • Have you recently uploaded new images or made changes to existing ones?
  3. Error Messages:

    • Are you seeing any error messages or broken image icons in place of the missing images?
  4. Browser and Cache:

    • Have you tried clearing your browser cache or checking the site in a different browser or device?
  5. Version and Updates:

    • Have you recently updated Nicepage or any related plugins/extensions in WordPress or Joomla?
  6. Site Hosting:

    • Are there any recent changes to your hosting environment that might affect image files?

These details will help in diagnosing the issue more accurately. In the meantime, here are a few general troubleshooting steps you might try:

  • Check Image Paths: Ensure that the paths to your images are correct and haven’t changed.
  • Re-upload Images: Try re-uploading a few images to see if they appear correctly.
  • Inspect Console: Use your browser’s developer tools to check for any console errors related to image loading.

Once we have more information, we’ll be better equipped to assist you in resolving this issue.

Looking forward to your response!
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Ben, We are sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with your images disappearing from your site. To help resolve this issue, we’ll need a bit more information about the problem. Could you please provide the following details? 1. **Site Details**: - Which specific pages or sections of your site are affected? - Are all images missing or just certain ones? 2. **Image Uploads**: - Have you recently uploaded new images or made changes to existing ones? 3. **Error Messages**: - Are you seeing any error messages or broken image icons in place of the missing images? 4. **Browser and Cache**: - Have you tried clearing your browser cache or checking the site in a different browser or device? 5. **Version and Updates**: - Have you recently updated Nicepage or any related plugins/extensions in WordPress or Joomla? 6. **Site Hosting**: - Are there any recent changes to your hosting environment that might affect image files? These details will help in diagnosing the issue more accurately. In the meantime, here are a few general troubleshooting steps you might try: - **Check Image Paths**: Ensure that the paths to your images are correct and haven’t changed. - **Re-upload Images**: Try re-uploading a few images to see if they appear correctly. - **Inspect Console**: Use your browser’s developer tools to check for any console errors related to image loading. Once we have more information, we’ll be better equipped to assist you in resolving this issue. Looking forward to your response! ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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