I cannot create a new website based on a template

400 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 16 August 2024
Report a bug

The error occurs in Nicepage version 6.16.0 when you want to create a new website and select a template category. The ‘Create’ button is and remains greyed out in this case.

My steps:
1. create a completely new website in the dashboard.
2. select any category in the popup at the top right. (important to reproduce the bug!)
3. select a website design
4. the "Create" button is greyed out and the page cannot be created

The error occurs in Nicepage version 6.16.0 when you want to create a new website and select a template category. The ‘Create’ button is and remains greyed out in this case. My steps: 1. create a completely new website in the dashboard. 2. select any category in the popup at the top right. (important to reproduce the bug!) 3. select a website design 4. the "Create" button is greyed out and the page cannot be created !Screenshot-2024-08-16-232322.png!

Last edited 16 August 2024 by xvemanuelvx

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3 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 August 2024

Hello Emanuel,

Thank you for the provided information - we were able to reproduce the issue, the case was forwarded to our Developers Team, we will contact you as soon as we get an answer from them.
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hello Emanuel, Thank you for the provided information - we were able to reproduce the issue, the case was forwarded to our Developers Team, we will contact you as soon as we get an answer from them. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
65 Posts
Is Solution
MEHDI48 posted this 17 August 2024

the set is temporarily not available.
See Here.
Create a New Website Based on A Template

Hi; the set is temporarily not available. See Here. **[Create a New Website Based on A Template][1]** [1]: https://nicepage.com/questions/528905/nicepage-6-15-2

Last edited 17 August 2024 by MEHDI48

400 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 17 August 2024

the set is temporarily not available.
See Here.
[Create a New Website Based on A Template][1]

[1]: https://nicepage.com/questions/528905/nicepage-6-15-2

oh thanks for the info

> Hi; > the set is temporarily not available. > See Here. > **[Create a New Website Based on A Template][1]** > > > [1]: https://nicepage.com/questions/528905/nicepage-6-15-2 oh thanks for the info
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