Images can only be assigned a maximum border radius of 50px

398 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 16 August 2024

In the Nicepage 6.16.0 version I can no longer crop images to a circle. The border radius is limited to 50px. This must be a bug.

In the Nicepage 6.16.0 version I can no longer crop images to a circle. The border radius is limited to 50px. This must be a bug.

Last edited 22 August 2024 by Support Team

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6 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 August 2024

Hello Emanuel,

Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce the issue, please see the attached image with the Circle Shape chosen and the picture with the added border-radius.
Please let us know additional steps to reproduce the Bug if there is any.

enter image description here

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Emanuel, Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce the issue, please see the attached image with the Circle Shape chosen and the picture with the added border-radius. Please let us know additional steps to reproduce the Bug if there is any. ![enter image description here][1] ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
65 Posts
MEHDI48 posted this 17 August 2024

See Video Attached.

Hi, See Video Attached.
398 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 17 August 2024

See Video Attached.

Oh, they should improve usability there. This is really hard to find

> Hi, > See Video Attached. > Oh, they should improve usability there. This is really hard to find
Support Team
Support Team posted this 19 August 2024


Thank you. We have forwarded your comment to the dev for improvement.

Nicepage Support Team

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Emanuel, Thank you. We have forwarded your comment to the dev for improvement. ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
398 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 19 August 2024

I used the option where I drag the mouse sideways to change the value. The limit here is 50px.

I used the option where I drag the mouse sideways to change the value. The limit here is 50px.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 August 2024

Hello Emanuel,

Thank you for clarifying the method that was used. We added your feedback about usability to our wishlist.

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Emanuel, Thank you for clarifying the method that was used. We added your feedback about usability to our wishlist. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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