nicepage not working in wordpress

1 Posts
swatijankhan posted this 16 August 2024
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when i want to create a page in the new version of wordpress then the page are stucked in loading screen

when i want to create a page in the new version of wordpress then the page are stucked in loading screen
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 August 2024


There could be different reasons for this.
1. Check Plugin and Theme Conflicts:
Deactivate Other Plugins: Temporarily deactivate all other plugins except Nicepage to see if there's a conflict. If the issue is resolved, reactivate plugins one by one to identify the conflict.
Switch to Default Theme: Change your WordPress theme to a default theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-Three) to see if the issue persists. If it resolves, the problem might be with your current theme.
2. Update Nicepage and WordPress:
Ensure Latest Versions: Make sure you are using the latest versions of both the Nicepage plugin and WordPress. Updates often fix bugs and compatibility issues. You are now using a very outdated plugin version.
3. Clear Caches:
Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache and cookies.
WordPress Caches: If you have caching plugins, clear the cache or temporarily disable them.
4. Increase PHP Resources: Increase the PHP memory limit / Max Execution Time
5. Check Browser Console and Network Tab:
Console Errors: Open your browser’s developer tools (usually by pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I) and check the Console tab for any error messages that could give clues.
Network Requests: Check the Network tab to see if there are any failed requests or if the plugin is trying to load resources that are failing.
6. Review Server Logs:
Error Logs: Check your server error logs for any relevant errors. This can provide more details on what might be causing the issue.
7. Verify File Permissions:
Permissions: Ensure that file and folder permissions are correctly set for WordPress and Nicepage. Typically, files should have 644 permissions and folders 755.
8. Enable Debugging:
WordPress Debug Mode: Enable debugging in WordPress to see if any specific errors are reported in red.

These steps should help you diagnose and resolve the issue with the Nicepage plugin getting stuck on the loading screen.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, There could be different reasons for this. 1. Check Plugin and Theme Conflicts: Deactivate Other Plugins: Temporarily deactivate all other plugins except Nicepage to see if there's a conflict. If the issue is resolved, reactivate plugins one by one to identify the conflict. Switch to Default Theme: Change your WordPress theme to a default theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-Three) to see if the issue persists. If it resolves, the problem might be with your current theme. 2. Update Nicepage and WordPress: Ensure Latest Versions: Make sure you are using the latest versions of both the Nicepage plugin and WordPress. Updates often fix bugs and compatibility issues. You are now using a very outdated plugin version. 3. Clear Caches: Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache and cookies. WordPress Caches: If you have caching plugins, clear the cache or temporarily disable them. 4. Increase PHP Resources: Increase the PHP memory limit / Max Execution Time 5. Check Browser Console and Network Tab: Console Errors: Open your browser’s developer tools (usually by pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I) and check the Console tab for any error messages that could give clues. Network Requests: Check the Network tab to see if there are any failed requests or if the plugin is trying to load resources that are failing. 6. Review Server Logs: Error Logs: Check your server error logs for any relevant errors. This can provide more details on what might be causing the issue. 7. Verify File Permissions: Permissions: Ensure that file and folder permissions are correctly set for WordPress and Nicepage. Typically, files should have 644 permissions and folders 755. 8. Enable Debugging: WordPress Debug Mode: Enable debugging in WordPress to see if any specific errors are reported in red. These steps should help you diagnose and resolve the issue with the Nicepage plugin getting stuck on the loading screen. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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