Site not viewing properly in Safari

9 Posts
rggrandin posted this 17 July 2024
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I uploaded my website - which looked great in edit mode - viewed in Safari. When I actually uploaded my website to my server, the website looked awful in Safari, but ok in Chrome.

Also, I created an image link on the home page - Table Sponsor - which does not work, but is linked correctly.
However, when I go to another page and then back to my home page, it will work. But not when I go directly to my home page from the browser.

My website is:

Thank you.

I uploaded my website - which looked great in edit mode - viewed in Safari. When I actually uploaded my website to my server, the website looked awful in Safari, but ok in Chrome. Also, I created an image link on the home page - Table Sponsor - which does not work, but is linked correctly. However, when I go to another page and then back to my home page, it will work. But not when I go directly to my home page from the browser. My website is: Thank you.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 18 July 2024

Hello Robin,

Can you please let us know what version of Safari was used and on what exact device tested? If you can share screenshots it could help to check the issue faster. Also before that please try to clear the browser cache and let us know if the issue still persists.

Also please indicate where exactly the link is situated.
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Robin, Can you please let us know what version of Safari was used and on what exact device tested? If you can share screenshots it could help to check the issue faster. Also before that please try to clear the browser cache and let us know if the issue still persists. Also please indicate where exactly the link is situated. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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