contact form doesnt do anything

4 Posts
scifigirl posted this 04 July 2024
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ok so i made my little form in nice page (super easy). now trying to set up the form so it sends not so easy. verified the email i want to use, exported and uploaded the page so its live on my site here is the contact page, but no dice... all the youtube videos say will work out of the box and the forum tutorials all have options that arent on the software anymore so im stuck

video of the error info which it gives none is attached

ok so i made my little form in nice page (super easy). now trying to set up the form so it sends not so easy. verified the email i want to use, exported and uploaded the page so its live on my site here is the [contact page][1], but no dice... all the youtube videos say will work out of the box and the forum tutorials all have options that arent on the software anymore so im stuck video of the error info which it gives none is attached [1]:
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3 Replies
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4 Posts
scifigirl posted this 04 July 2024

the video didnt attach

the video didnt attach
4 Posts
scifigirl posted this 04 July 2024

here is a screen shot of the only option to fill in anything for the form

here is a screen shot of the only option to fill in anything for the form
Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 July 2024

Hello Sarah,

You have a Recaptcha error on the page, see attached.
Please ensure you use the correct keys of the Recaptcha version 3 for your site.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
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Hello Sarah, You have a Recaptcha error on the page, see attached. Please ensure you use the correct keys of the Recaptcha version 3 for your site. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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