language in menu

5 Posts
4102048 posted this 21 June 2024
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Is it possible to add language icons in menu? Now I can add it in header block only.

Is it possible to add language icons in menu? Now I can add it in header block only.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 June 2024


Not for now, we have that request in the wish list; for now, you can switch the language element type to the text version, put it right after the menu, stylize the language links similarly to the menu, and you can additionally group the elements.

Nicepage Support Team

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Artem, Not for now, we have that request in the wish list; for now, you can switch the language element type to the text version, put it right after the menu, stylize the language links similarly to the menu, and you can additionally group the elements. ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
5 Posts
4102048 posted this 21 June 2024

thank you!

thank you!
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