Video Gallery

57 Posts
innovis_medienagentur posted this 13 June 2024
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Hi NP, is there an option for displaying video gallerys? Or whishlist?
Cheers Ralf

Hi NP, is there an option for displaying video gallerys? Or whishlist? Cheers Ralf
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 June 2024

Hello Ralf,

Thanks for contacting us!

Nicepage doesn't have a built-in video gallery element, but you can achieve a similar effect using the Grid element and some additional steps.
Please see the screenshot for an example.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Ralf, Thanks for contacting us! Nicepage doesn't have a built-in video gallery element, but you can achieve a similar effect using the Grid element and some additional steps. Please see the screenshot for an example. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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