Online-View messed up

2 Posts
martin_67 posted this 12 June 2024
Report a bug

Dear Nicepage team,

With the latest version of NP I now have the problem that elements created in NP are now moved when published.

As an example:

• attached is a screenshot of the NP backend
• please compare with this URL how the document looks online (elements are visibly moved):

How can this be solved?


Dear Nicepage team, With the latest version of NP I now have the problem that elements created in NP are now moved when published. As an example: • attached is a screenshot of the NP backend • please compare with this URL how the document looks online (elements are visibly moved): How can this be solved? Sincerely, Martin
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 June 2024

Hi, Martin,

Please try to pick these multiple elements, select Group or Box Elements, and re-publish the site. Will it look better?
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Martin, Please try to pick these multiple elements, select **Group** or **Box Elements**, and re-publish the site. Will it look better? ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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