default folder

1 Posts
murfeemaye posted this 05 June 2024
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Whenever I go to upload an image in Nicepage desktop, it opens to the same defaulted folder. Is there a way to designate what folder it defaults to, or have it default to whichever folder I last uploaded from?

Whenever I go to upload an image in Nicepage desktop, it opens to the same defaulted folder. Is there a way to designate what folder it defaults to, or have it default to whichever folder I last uploaded from?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 June 2024

Hello Jennifer,

When you press Upload - the default system folder will be opened, usually it is your downloads.


Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Jennifer, When you press Upload - the default system folder will be opened, usually it is your downloads. !upload.png! ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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