web sitesi hata

3 Posts
serdaryilmaz67 posted this 3 weeks ago
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Even though all the settings of the site are normal, I receive the following warning. I kindly request your support.

Bağlantınız gizli değil
Saldırganlar www.beykozoffroad.com.tr üzerinden bilgilerinizi çalmaya çalışıyor olabilir (örneğin, şifreler, mesajlar veya kredi kartları). Daha fazla bilgi

Hello Serdar,
Thanks for reaching out to us
For your type of Nicepage premium plan, you can publish 3 websites on the Nicepage hosting.
We can see that you've already published 4 and settings are applied correctly. Therefore, you need to unpublish 1 website.
Here, you can manage and unpublish unwanted websites directly.

When I check, my 2 sites are live, you can check too, one is working but the other one is not?

working address: www.beykozoffroad.com.tr
non-working address: www.ruzgarlibahce.com.tr

Hello Even though all the settings of the site are normal, I receive the following warning. I kindly request your support. Bağlantınız gizli değil Saldırganlar www.beykozoffroad.com.tr üzerinden bilgilerinizi çalmaya çalışıyor olabilir (örneğin, şifreler, mesajlar veya kredi kartları). Daha fazla bilgi NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID **Hello Serdar, Thanks for reaching out to us For your type of Nicepage premium plan, you can publish 3 websites on the Nicepage hosting. We can see that you've already published 4 and settings are applied correctly. Therefore, you need to unpublish 1 website. Here, you can manage and unpublish unwanted websites directly. https://nicepage.com/User/Sites** When I check, my 2 sites are live, you can check too, one is working but the other one is not? working address: www.beykozoffroad.com.tr non-working address: www.ruzgarlibahce.com.tr
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3 Posts
serdaryilmaz67 posted this 3 weeks ago

acil yardım rica ederim

acil yardım rica ederim
Support Team
Support Team posted this 3 weeks ago

Dear Serdar,

Please be patient.

If you checked our documentation. Applying changes takes time. Up to 72 hours.
Both of your websites are published and working flawlessly.



Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Dear Serdar, Please be patient. If you checked our documentation. Applying changes takes time. Up to 72 hours. Both of your websites are published and working flawlessly. https://nicepage.com/doc/1293/custom-domain !yegsgs.png! !76rodl.png! ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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