Reduce HTML to TEXT

3 Posts
PAVLENDA posted this 4 weeks ago
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Want to ask. I builded new we for my company and i really love how it looks. Also with texts im maximaly satisfied but problem is when i check that web into some SEO check tools, always problem with HTML / TEXT. Simply its saying about i have too much html against text. How i can fix that ? Thank you

Hi, Want to ask. I builded new we for my company and i really love how it looks. Also with texts im maximaly satisfied but problem is when i check that web into some SEO check tools, always problem with HTML / TEXT. Simply its saying about i have too much html against text. How i can fix that ? Thank you
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3 Posts
PAVLENDA posted this 4 weeks ago

In attach you can see that. It is in slovak language but you will see there how big is html. Its a

In attach you can see that. It is in slovak language but you will see there how big is html. Its a
Support Team
Support Team posted this 4 weeks ago

Hello Martin,

Thank you for such positive feedback!
Please note that Ncepage uses a similar Bootstrap system that requires a lot of HTML code, please note that it does not influence too much on SEO.
We can also suggest using any minimization tool.
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Martin, Thank you for such positive feedback! Please note that Ncepage uses a similar Bootstrap system that requires a lot of HTML code, please note that it does not influence too much on SEO. We can also suggest using any minimization tool. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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