Upload file feature

5 Posts
inspirationmusicgroup posted this 26 May 2024
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I’m using the Upload File feature and I’m only able to upload .jpeg files.

I’m using the Upload File feature and I’m only able to upload .jpeg files.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 May 2024


Please select your form and >> File upload >> On the panel on the right you can choose the file formats that need to be uploaded.

enter image description here

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Please select your form and >> File upload >> On the panel on the right you can choose the file formats that need to be uploaded. ![enter image description here][1] ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp [1]: https://i.postimg.cc/xCh4vYZZ/image.png
5 Posts
inspirationmusicgroup posted this 27 May 2024

I selected Custom and entered file formats and it still only accepts .jpeg files.

I selected Custom and entered file formats and it still only accepts .jpeg files.
5 Posts
inspirationmusicgroup posted this 27 May 2024

Now it only accepts .pdf

Now it only accepts .pdf
Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 May 2024

Hello M.,

Please export the block with this form and we will check.


Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
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Hello M., Please export the block with this form and we will check. !export-block.png! ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
5 Posts
inspirationmusicgroup posted this 27 May 2024

Here you go...

Here you go...
Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 May 2024


You need to delete dots in the type names, see attached.
You can upload multiple files of one type at once.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
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M., You need to delete dots in the type names, see attached. You can upload multiple files of one type at once. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
5 Posts
inspirationmusicgroup posted this 27 May 2024

Thank you very much! I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. May the rest of your day be as amazing as the customer service you provided.

Thank you very much! I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. May the rest of your day be as amazing as the customer service you provided.

Last edited 27 May 2024 by inspirationmusicgroup

Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 May 2024


You are welcome!
Let us know if any further assistance is required.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hello, You are welcome! Let us know if any further assistance is required. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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