Insert different image in different language

23 Posts
info5057 posted this 4 weeks ago
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I tried to insert a different image into a page, one for the Italian language and one for the English language. But the system always shows me the last uploaded image in both languages. It seems it is not possible to insert two different images, one for each language.

I tried to insert a different image into a page, one for the Italian language and one for the English language. But the system always shows me the last uploaded image in both languages. It seems it is not possible to insert two different images, one for each language.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 4 weeks ago

Hello Alkemica,

Thanks for contacting us!

Unfortunately, using another image for a different language is impossible.
We have this suggestion on our wish list, and we have counted your vote.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Alkemica, Thanks for contacting us! Unfortunately, using another image for a different language is impossible. We have this suggestion on our wish list, and we have counted your vote. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 4 weeks ago by Support Team

23 Posts
info5057 posted this 4 weeks ago

It seems like something so simple and necessary that it seems impossible to me that you haven't already foreseen it. The texts may change but the images cannot. Really strange. I hope you will resolve it soon.

It seems like something so simple and necessary that it seems impossible to me that you haven't already foreseen it. The texts may change but the images cannot. Really strange. I hope you will resolve it soon.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 4 weeks ago

Hello Alkemica,

We understand your frustration.
Thanks for helping us improve Nicepage!
Your advice and feedback are beneficial to our development.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Alkemica, We understand your frustration. Thanks for helping us improve Nicepage! Your advice and feedback are beneficial to our development. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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