Alternate page with proper canonical tag for the index.html page

1 Posts
herwig.jacobs posted this 01 May 2024
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In Google Saarch Console I see that my index.htm and /fr/index.html pages are not indexed because of an
"Alternate page with proper canonical tag"-error. Our domain is https;// and in the page settings of the Home page (index) I have put https;// as canonical. Is this correct or should this be https;// Bur if I put https;//, what about out frensh index page? If I change the canonical on de /fr/index.html to https;// it also changes the canonical on the original (dutch) site. How can I solve this issue so Google Search Console will index the pages again?


Dear, In Google Saarch Console I see that my index.htm and /fr/index.html pages are not indexed because of an "Alternate page with proper canonical tag"-error. Our domain is https;// and in the page settings of the Home page (index) I have put https;// as canonical. Is this correct or should this be https;// Bur if I put https;//, what about out frensh index page? If I change the canonical on de /fr/index.html to https;// it also changes the canonical on the original (dutch) site. How can I solve this issue so Google Search Console will index the pages again? Thanks, Herwig
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 5 weeks ago

Hi Herwig,

At this moment Nicepage does not provide the option to set up different canonical links for multilanguage websites, unfortunately. You only set the same canonical page for both index.html pages.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Herwig, At this moment Nicepage does not provide the option to set up different canonical links for multilanguage websites, unfortunately. You only set the same canonical page for both index.html pages. Please let us know if you have any further questions. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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