off canvas slider

37 Posts
candoo posted this 24 April 2024
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I wish to create an off canvas slider from the left to display a live chat, whatsapp and a contact form. What's the best way to achieve this please?

I wish to create an off canvas slider from the left to display a live chat, whatsapp and a contact form. What's the best way to achieve this please?
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37 Posts
candoo posted this 24 April 2024

Also, I wish to create a privacy policy pop-up viewable on all device views with a vertical scroll box. How do I achieve this please?

Also, I wish to create a privacy policy pop-up viewable on all device views with a vertical scroll box. How do I achieve this please?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 April 2024

Hi Robert,

Please provide some examples showing what exactly you want to create.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Robert, Please provide some examples showing what exactly you want to create. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
37 Posts
candoo posted this 24 April 2024

How can I show you examples when I don't know how to create them? 1. I wish to display a sticky side panel on the left with icons for various content displays, that once clicked reveal a) a live chat function window that slides in from the left and is viewable in all device views b) a contact form with the same attributes and c) a privacy policy with the same attributes that also allows the visitor to scroll the content vertically.

How can I show you examples when I don't know how to create them? 1. I wish to display a sticky side panel on the left with icons for various content displays, that once clicked reveal a) a live chat function window that slides in from the left and is viewable in all device views b) a contact form with the same attributes and c) a privacy policy with the same attributes that also allows the visitor to scroll the content vertically.
37 Posts
candoo posted this 24 April 2024

Also, these panels need to contain a close window icon.

Also, these panels need to contain a close window icon.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 April 2024


Do you maybe have a website's URL? Please correct us if we are wrong. Do you want the Hamburger Icon with a sliding off-canvas panel on all views starting on the Desktops? Please advise.


Nicepage Support Team

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Robert, Do you maybe have a website's URL? Please correct us if we are wrong. Do you want the Hamburger Icon with a sliding off-canvas panel on all views starting on the Desktops? Please advise. !Untitled.png! ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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