gallery with text bellow

9 Posts
tsacunha posted this 22 March 2024
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I understand that Nicepage has no image gallery with text bellow each image. So, I have a page with an image block and a text block under the image. Which would be the best method to make a kind of image gallery without the copy/past and reposition way?
I mean, to simplify the way of adding adicional images + text in the same position and size under the previous ones.
Thank you.


Hello I understand that Nicepage has no image gallery with text bellow each image. So, I have a page with an image block and a text block under the image. Which would be the best method to make a kind of image gallery without the copy/past and reposition way? I mean, to simplify the way of adding adicional images + text in the same position and size under the previous ones. Thank you. !page-recent.jpg!
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3 Replies
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9 Posts
tsacunha posted this 23 March 2024

Sorry for asking too soon :) The obvious way is to add a grid customised with image and text bellow and then duplicate the block.

Sorry for asking too soon :) The obvious way is to add a grid customised with image and text bellow and then duplicate the block.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 March 2024


Can you please reattach the image? can you please provide a short video explaining what you are trying to do?

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Tiago, Can you please reattach the image? can you please provide a short video explaining what you are trying to do? ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
9 Posts
tsacunha posted this 25 March 2024

It's been resolved, Alan, thank you.

It's been resolved, Alan, thank you.
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