
2 Posts
xavier31 posted this 01 March 2024
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Good morning
See attached screenshots.
How can I get the same thing in Chrome?
That is to say that the face is not hidden behind the header?
Thanks in advance

Good morning See attached screenshots. How can I get the same thing in Chrome? That is to say that the face is not hidden behind the header? Thanks in advance Xavier
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 March 2024

Hello Xavier,

Thanks for reaching out to us

To address the issue of image stretching, ensure that the image you're using in the carousel has appropriate dimensions and resolution for web display (72dpi) while matching the aspect ratio of the carousel container.

Check for any specific CSS styles applied to the carousel or image that might affect the display, and clear the browser cache to ensure you're viewing the most recent version.
Verify the consistency of the issue across different browsers and screen sizes.

If the problem persists, share the Nicepage project file with us so we can further investigate and provide a more targeted solution.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Xavier, Thanks for reaching out to us To address the issue of image stretching, ensure that the image you're using in the carousel has appropriate dimensions and resolution for web display (72dpi) while matching the aspect ratio of the carousel container. Check for any specific CSS styles applied to the carousel or image that might affect the display, and clear the browser cache to ensure you're viewing the most recent version. Verify the consistency of the issue across different browsers and screen sizes. If the problem persists, share the Nicepage project file with us so we can further investigate and provide a more targeted solution. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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