How do I disconnect a Stripe account from Nicepage

123 Posts
jack.from.canada posted this 13 February 2024
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While designing a website for a client, I used my own Stripe account credentials to test the site. As part of the terms of connection, it was stated that Nicepage will have access to ALL activity in the Stripe account (not just the transactions associated with a particular domain).

As I prepare to hand over the site to the client, I want to PERMANENTLY DISCONNECT my personal Stripe account from Nicepage. I don't see any way to do that. Can you please help?

While designing a website for a client, I used my own Stripe account credentials to test the site. As part of the terms of connection, it was stated that Nicepage will have access to ALL activity in the Stripe account (not just the transactions associated with a particular domain). As I prepare to hand over the site to the client, I want to PERMANENTLY DISCONNECT my personal Stripe account from Nicepage. I don't see any way to do that. Can you please help?
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123 Posts
jack.from.canada posted this 13 February 2024

I was able to do what I wanted from the Stripe Dashboard. I suggest Nicepage include information on how to disconnect an account by referencing this link to an article on the Stripe website.

I was able to do what I wanted from the Stripe Dashboard. I suggest Nicepage include information on how to disconnect an account by referencing [this link to an article on the Stripe website][1]. [1]:

Last edited 13 February 2024 by jack.from.canada

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