menu links

10 Posts
lamarmorris61 posted this 12 February 2024
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My page will load links from the top menu using chrome (I had to add it to chrome settings to allow it to open popups since I have my links opening in a new page), however when I kill the new page my main page now shows the main page.
What's going on ( it has worked very well for the last several weeks) I currently have the pages I'm building at the link below).
the menu links won't work at all in edge.


My page will load links from the top menu using chrome (I had to add it to chrome settings to allow it to open popups since I have my links opening in a new page), however when I kill the new page my main page now shows the main page. What's going on ( it has worked very well for the last several weeks) I currently have the pages I'm building at the link below). the menu links won't work at all in edge. Lamar
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2 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 February 2024

Hi Lamar,

Looks like the whole header is set to be a link. Please check in the application that there is no on click link in the Header options in the right panel.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Lamar, Looks like the whole header is set to be a link. Please check in the application that there is no on click link in the Header options in the right panel. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
10 Posts
lamarmorris61 posted this 13 February 2024

I don't know how the link got there, but removing it worked...thanks for yoiur help.


I don't know how the link got there, but removing it worked...thanks for yoiur help. Lamar
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