Oddball error of "Invalid Path" when exporting to HTML

1 Posts
webhost posted this 10 February 2024
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Hello. 2 things:

1st) when selecting "Support Issues" from within the program of NicePage, it would be more efficient and handier that the NicePage program itself does the logging in of the user rather than the user being prompted with a login webpage first.

2nd, and the main reason why I'm here in the first place: When I select to export a project/page, I'm given the error that the page is invalid. This is cuckoo since I go through the folder selection process/window, and I've even tried putting a quotation mark (i.e., double-quotes) at the beginning of the pathname and at the end since there are spaces in the pathname, but this doesn't make an improvement.

Actually make this a 3rd thing instead of just 2) When I was typing in the title of this support request and saw how many other messages have been posted about this cuckoo error "Invalid Path", I decided yes it's still a good idea to post this so that you know it's still happening even after this very recent update that was automatically done. I hope this cuckoo "Invalid Path" error will be fixed soon. I already have web hosting that works great and I'm very happy with its operational parameters.

Hello. 2 things: 1st) when selecting "Support Issues" from within the program of NicePage, it would be more efficient and handier that the NicePage program itself does the logging in of the user rather than the user being prompted with a login webpage first. 2nd, and the main reason why I'm here in the first place: When I select to export a project/page, I'm given the error that the page is invalid. This is cuckoo since I go through the folder selection process/window, and I've even tried putting a quotation mark (i.e., double-quotes) at the beginning of the pathname and at the end since there are spaces in the pathname, but this doesn't make an improvement. Actually make this a 3rd thing instead of just 2) When I was typing in the title of this support request and saw how many other messages have been posted about this cuckoo error "Invalid Path", I decided yes it's still a good idea to post this so that you know it's still happening even after this very recent update that was automatically done. I hope this cuckoo "Invalid Path" error will be fixed soon. I already have web hosting that works great and I'm very happy with its operational parameters.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 February 2024


When you first log in to nicepage.com you need to insert name+password, which is a standard authentification process. Please explain what is the issue with that on your side?
Project export is not available for the free starter plan, you can export only to HTML using a desktop application.
Please send the screenshots of your actions and the error to check.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, When you first log in to nicepage.com you need to insert name+password, which is a standard authentification process. Please explain what is the issue with that on your side? Project export is not available for the free starter plan, you can export only to HTML using a desktop application. Please send the screenshots of your actions and the error to check. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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