Copy color

4 Posts
sesoot2000 posted this 27 January 2024
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When you make a copy, paste colored text (for example magento color)
The text is copied but the color is not.

Hi, When you make a copy, paste colored text (for example magento color) The text is copied but the color is not.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 January 2024

Hello Mehdi,
Thanks for choosing Nicepage!

Can you please let us know from where exactly you copy your text and in what element you paste it so we can assist you?

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Mehdi, Thanks for choosing Nicepage! Can you please let us know from where exactly you copy your text and in what element you paste it so we can assist you? ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
121 Posts
jack.from.canada posted this 28 January 2024

When you select specific text and do a copy/paste, you are indeed copying only the text, and not the colour. I think to do what you want to accomplish, you need to copy the ELEMENT definition (which would include the text and the styling). So, click on the ELEMENT to select it, and then use the right-click and select the COPY option. Now, you can move to where you want the copied element to be, and then PASTE it to the new location. This should result in the text and style being copied.

When you select specific text and do a copy/paste, you are indeed copying only the text, and not the colour. I think to do what you want to accomplish, you need to copy the ELEMENT definition (which would include the text and the styling). So, click on the ELEMENT to select it, and then use the right-click and select the COPY option. Now, you can move to where you want the copied element to be, and then PASTE it to the new location. This should result in the text and style being copied.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 29 January 2024

Hello Mehdi,

PC and WebSites do not work like this as you say, the text does not contain CSS styles, when you copy a text, it will be red, orange, or blue, copied is only the text, not styles. It is not possible, but in idea, If it works this way, it must copy all styles, and not only color, if I want to copy only color and not copy font size, font family, line height, text decoration, etc what does it have, if that everything I don't? So this way is unused and bad, and this is the reason why websites and webpages (mostly 99%) work like this.

You can use Browser Extensions or Inspect Elements to find a text style color and for a copy.
Browser Extensions: Explore browser extensions specifically designed for copying and pasting formatted text, including color information. Popular examples include "CopyQ" and "PastePlus".

Inspect Element: In Magento, right-click the colored text and use "Inspect Element" to view its HTML and CSS details. Find the "color" property within the CSS code and copy the associated hex code (e.g., #FF0000 for red).

Finally, if I understand badly and if you are trying to copy HEX from There, and paste it into Nicepage correctly by color adding and pasting this HEX value, and if it does not work, this is a problem, in this situation Please attach screenshots or a short video demonstrating your work process, for a better understanding. For see how you create everything.

We will try our best to help you.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Mehdi, PC and WebSites do not work like this as you say, the text does not contain CSS styles, when you copy a text, it will be red, orange, or blue, copied is only the text, not styles. It is not possible, but in idea, If it works this way, it must copy all styles, and not only color, if I want to copy only color and not copy font size, font family, line height, text decoration, etc what does it have, if that everything I don't? So this way is unused and bad, and this is the reason why websites and webpages (mostly 99%) work like this. You can use Browser Extensions or Inspect Elements to find a text style color and for a copy. Browser Extensions: Explore browser extensions specifically designed for copying and pasting formatted text, including color information. Popular examples include "CopyQ" and "PastePlus". Inspect Element: In Magento, right-click the colored text and use "Inspect Element" to view its HTML and CSS details. Find the "color" property within the CSS code and copy the associated hex code (e.g., #FF0000 for red). Finally, if I understand badly and if you are trying to copy HEX from There, and paste it into Nicepage correctly by color adding and pasting this HEX value, and if it does not work, this is a problem, in this situation Please attach screenshots or a short video demonstrating your work process, for a better understanding. For see how you create everything. We will try our best to help you. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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