Website does not comes up full

1 Posts
hadarel8 posted this 01 January 2024
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When I upload the zip file on cpanel most of the content does not comes up, but at the preview it work good. I have attached a screenshot.
Thank you.


When I upload the zip file on cpanel most of the content does not comes up, but at the preview it work good. I have attached a screenshot. Thank you. !screenshot2.png!
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 January 2024


Thanks for reaching out to us

Please provide your project or exported HTML website here, as attached. From the screenshots, we can see that you've opened the About page. What do you have there in the Nicepage editor? Provide some screenshots of how it looks in the Nicepage and how it looks when you open the same page.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Thanks for reaching out to us Please provide your project or exported HTML website here, as attached. From the screenshots, we can see that you've opened the About page. What do you have there in the Nicepage editor? Provide some screenshots of how it looks in the Nicepage and how it looks when you open the same page. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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